Having read the study, do you feel qualified to now be an economist? Having read the study, do you now have the ability to perform a survey using something like Qualtrics? Having read the study, do you feel this study is in any way biased towards an opinion, political stance, societal stance, or the like? Having read the study, have you found the bias that I found? Having read the study, with your new skills and intellect, do you feel you can now be a professor of economics like those you've cited?
I have not once argued for, or against the study or the data. All I said is that data can easily be manipulated to show whatever the authors need or want it to. You're blinded by your political affiliation and ignorance to even acknowledge what a different person is saying. I read the study and immediately found multiple sources of a possible bias. Rose-colored glasses were off after finding that and I went back to what I know from people who would know, particularly my wife, her colleagues who I interact with often, my dad (MS Statistics), namely those who are vastly more qualified to give me information than a study I have not seen the raw data. If the ESPN contracting group has a statistician or economist available for you to speak to, I advise you to do so. Ask them about manipulation of data. The data itself, in raw for is not changed (unless dishonest), but the information surrounding the data can easily be modified to suite the collector(s)'s needed or wanted point. My wife has done several studies where the benefactor requested a specific outcome, but if the data does not show it, then it does not show it.
You can't even begin to tell me you understand that paper outside of the looking at the graphs, if you did, you'd be in a much better situation than you currently find yourself in...eh Will Hunting?