No, no, Ostatechi! Tariffs are a tax on your own people! Tariffs hurt the people they are supposed to protect. Tariffs raise prices on the consumer and reduce the options that are available to the consumer. All for the benefit of a well connected industry. When England imposes a tariff on American automobiles, for example, what it is doing is raising the price an English citizen has to pay in order to buy one. And it allows the English auto makers to raise their prices because the competition has been weakened. The English consumer is the loser. If the American government responds in kind all it is doing is making American consumers pay higher prices for English cars, and frees up American auto makers to raise prices because they have less competition. Tariffs are bad for the consumers.
Sure tariffs are bad for consumers. That isn't ALWAYS a bad thing or the incorrect action by a government. See my case of intellectual property theft or a government trying to influence another country by subsidizing an industry that is vital to that other country's national interest.
Let's say that the sugar cane industry is vital for Cuba's economy. But America fully subsidizes a sugar cane industry with the specific goal of then selling sugar cane to Cuba at such a reduced price that it kills the local sugar cane market. Then... America stops selling sugar cane to Cuba in order to collapse their economy. I would fully support Cuba's efforts to curb this activity.
This is exactly what is happens against America today.