Looking for an answer from those supporting Trump’s proposed tariff war. If the purpose of Trump’s tariff is to “save jobs,” as he and the steel executives and the union leaders insist is the motive, should Trump, acting as a dictator, ban all automation in every industry that might cause a job loss? Should progress come to a halt because one politician decided it is his duty to save existing jobs? For example, should the restaurants in Trump’s hotels and resorts be required to remove all automatic dishwashers in order to save the jobs of humans that used to wash the dishes? If your answer is “no, progress should not be banned, automation is a good thing,” my question for you is what is the difference? If the principle behind the tariffs is to save jobs should that principle not also apply in every case? If the principle is to save existing jobs should not progress be brought to a screeching halt, immediately, and with no exceptions?