HS Recruiting News

Was browsing PSU forum, some one said

Heard at the watering hole Ok St has Forest locked in. With Fix staying on and the international guy staying there, it’s a done deal.
DT strikes a huge get early. Also heard Blaze was torn between PSU and OSU, until he got the Ok State offer which blew them both out of the water.

Forest and Blaze, both to Ok state would be shock waves"

Not sure how connected the guy is, But I like for this to happen.
Was browsing PSU forum, some one said

Heard at the watering hole Ok St has Forest locked in. With Fix staying on and the international guy staying there, it’s a done deal.
DT strikes a huge get early. Also heard Blaze was torn between PSU and OSU, until he got the Ok State offer which blew them both out of the water.

Forest and Blaze, both to Ok state would be shock waves"

Not sure how connected the guy is, But I like for this to happen.
That would be AWESOME! Shockwaves, for sure. Could you imagine the Iowa message board. 😵😵
Was browsing PSU forum, some one said

Heard at the watering hole Ok St has Forest locked in. With Fix staying on and the international guy staying there, it’s a done deal.
DT strikes a huge get early. Also heard Blaze was torn between PSU and OSU, until he got the Ok State offer which blew them both out of the water.

Forest and Blaze, both to Ok state would be shock waves"

Not sure how connected the guy is, But I like for this to happen.
This poster is pretty good. The way he worded his post tells me he knows something. I think Forrest was always an OSU guy. I know Cael has put on a full court press for Blaze, who I honestly believe has a slightly higher ceiling than Bassett. Slightly. Blaze could slip into PSU 141 without any juggling. Interesting that this rumor came out two days after U20s, where DT attended with Blaze. Some smoke here but not sure how much. Blaze is the guy who I'd target so this makes sense.

I don't think it comes down to NIL for HS kids. Call me crazy but I think it comes down to who can Blaze envision getting him to NCAA titles and beyond. This is my unbiased personal opinion, but I think that sometimes NIL has become a cure for what is missing, and that is what other schools are saying against a high NIL bid. "They are throwing money at you because they can't get you to the top". If I was a parent having spent 10+ years paying freight for my kid getting to the top, NIL seems a step down from the goal. Just a thought.

All that said, I'm sure DT offered Gilman plus NIL.
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Was browsing PSU forum, some one said

Heard at the watering hole Ok St has Forest locked in. With Fix staying on and the international guy staying there, it’s a done deal.
DT strikes a huge get early. Also heard Blaze was torn between PSU and OSU, until he got the Ok State offer which blew them both out of the water.

Forest and Blaze, both to Ok state would be shock waves"

Not sure how connected the guy is, But I like for this to happen.
This implies "financial offer" but that wording could mean "competitive offer" or "development offer. Who knows what the new staff is pitching these days, not sure anyone is plugged in with our new staff at this point.
Jax, Bo, Blaze and Dee could be the foundation for massive success for years to come and I’m sure no one needs to tell DT that. It’s time to land the big fishes. Guys that are ready to be 4X AAs and champs.
It’s so good that I just don’t know if I can believe it but it would rock the landscape immediately
Jax, Bo, Blaze and Dee could be the foundation for massive success for years to come and I’m sure no one needs to tell DT that. It’s time to land the big fishes. Guys that are ready to be 4X AAs and champs.
Come on now, it’s a wild scenario considering certain factors.

Great for discussion though, and yeah…wow if possible!
What do you mean by this?
@AtownPoke answered it perfectly

I also have not been given concrete (coming from the kids themselves or their close network) information that they are an "un-packaged" deal. But, I have had discussions with plenty of people that say the same exact thing.

#1 Blaze is probably not leaving the region he currently resides in.
#2 Bo and Blaze are very unlikely to be teammates.
But that could all be bs too. It could be a repeated rumor or it could’ve been true under different programs and different coaches dependent on need.
Because Blaze and Bo are an “either-or”. I have no real info there other than I’ve heard it about 5 times now.
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ahh fair enough. I had seen that I think on the PSU board but didn’t know how much stock to put into it. You recruit them both individually though and let them decide. If Blaze is saying anything about a c/o 26 kid during his recruitment I think that would be weird too haha
Because Blaze and Bo are an “either-or”. I have no real info there other than I’ve heard it about 5 times now.
What you wanna bet Cael doesn't give a flyin F and will get them both if he can (and lets face it, he definitely could) and tell them to get over it lol. I just don't buy this in the big scheme of things.
What are the chances of getting little Mocco? Willie’s 150 for 26 came out today and he’s #6
I think we have a chance and if Merrill works out you could still technically get 3 years of starting for mocco since he already will qualify for an Olympic RS I believe since he made the world team this year.

25- Hendrickson
26- Merrill
27- Merrill / RS Mocco
28- Merrill / ORS Mocco
29- Merrill / FR Mocco
30-33 Mocco
What you wanna bet Cael doesn't give a flyin F and will get them both if he can (and lets face it, he definitely could) and tell them to get over it lol. I just don't buy this in the big scheme of things.
That’s my thing, since they are different years how would this ever come into play unless Bo says no depending on where blaze is. I also don’t see Bo as the type that thinks he can’t win any weight/spot he wants regardless of who is there haha
That’s my thing, since they are different years how would this ever come into play unless Bo says no depending on where blaze is. I also don’t see Bo as the type that thinks he can’t win any weight/spot he wants regardless of who is there haha
Bo has 2 more years of HS. I'd be surprised if he comes in any lighter than a 149 in college. I mean he could but idk.
Exactly. Just don’t see how this is even an issue haha. Let’s get them both!
Little Johnny was in class one day and the teacher asked a question: class if there are 5 birds on a fence and you shoot 2 w/ a BB gun how many are left? Little Johnny raised his hand and when nobody else did the teacher reluctantly called his name. Little Johnny excitedly answered "teacher there will be none left". The teacher asked how he came to this conclusion to which LJ replied "if I shoot 2 birds the others will fly away". To that the teacher replied, "well Johnny the correct answer is 3, but I like you're thinking".
LJ then said, "teacher I have a question for you". The teacher not wanting to be mean slowly decided to let him ask his question and said "ok Johnny what's your question"? LJ then asked "3 ladies are each eating an ice cream cone. One is licking the cone, one is biting the cone and the other is sucking on the cone, which one is married"? The teacher became flustered but she could see the other kids were watching so she finally quietly said, "I guess its the one sucking the cone"? LJ then replies "no ma'am its the one wearing the wedding ring, but I LIKE YOUR THINKING"!
@AtownPoke answered it perfectly

I also have not been given concrete (coming from the kids themselves or their close network) information that they are an "un-packaged" deal. But, I have had discussions with plenty of people that say the same exact thing.

#1 Blaze is probably not leaving the region he currently resides in.
#2 Bo and Blaze are very unlikely to be teammates.

I agree that it’s how we should proceed. I just keep hearing national guys say it

Where did that even come from? If they are "unlikely" to be teammates its simply because they chose different schools. Unless you're intimating some personal feud between the two. It's actually far more likely than not when you consider that -

A) Blaze doesn't want to be far from home (unless DT can really persuade him)

B) The early favorite for Bassett is tOSU.

C) they're going to be in different weight classes. They're both the same age, but Bo is already bigger, and I don't see Blaze getting much bigger than 141.
Where did that even come from? If they are "unlikely" to be teammates its simply because they chose different schools. Unless you're intimating some personal feud between the two. It's actually far more likely than not when you consider that -

A) Blaze doesn't want to be far from home (unless DT can really persuade him)

B) The early favorite for Bassett is tOSU.

C) they're going to be in different weight classes. They're both the same age, but Bo is already bigger, and I don't see Blaze getting much bigger than 141.
I told you where this came from and it mainly just gossip/hearsay because of where it came from.

A) I said that
B) I've heard he WAS a PSU lean
C) I agree
Where did that even come from? If they are "unlikely" to be teammates its simply because they chose different schools. Unless you're intimating some personal feud between the two. It's actually far more likely than not when you consider that -

A) Blaze doesn't want to be far from home (unless DT can really persuade him)

B) The early favorite for Bassett is tOSU.

C) they're going to be in different weight classes. They're both the same age, but Bo is already bigger, and I don't see Blaze getting much bigger than 141.
I think that is what everyone is saying. I like them both but Blaze intrigues me. I think he has great upside. Like NCAA champ and Olympian upside.
My somewhat educated guess, Bo will be at PSU, follow same type of path Taylor followed post collegiate career...train at NLWC for Olympic and Word medals, and create the regions next M2 with his Pops and Uncle who in my opinion does great things with the johnstown youth on the strength and conditioning side of things. A somewhat short shot to tOSU gives them a chance but slight.

I still like Blaze to PSU as well. This is gut feeling more than the not so reliable chatter I hear. As for Jax, I believe if Blaze ends up somewhere other than PSU, he won't be the lock to OSU like everyone says he is.
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My somewhat educated guess, Bo will be at PSU, follow same type of path Taylor followed post collegiate career...train at NLWC for Olympic and Word medals, and create the regions next M2 with his Pops and Uncle who in my opinion does great things with the johnstown youth on the strength and conditioning side of things. A somewhat short shot to tOSU gives them a chance but slight.

I still like Blaze to PSU as well. This is gut feeling more than the not so reliable chatter I hear. As for Jax, I believe if Blaze ends up somewhere other than PSU, he won't be the lock to OSU like everyone says he is.
That's interesting.
Willie's new rankings has Bo Bassett projected at 157 and Jax at 141. #1 and #2 in that order.

Someone asked about Mocco. He is listed at 6.
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