How Long Before Democrats Dump Biden?


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

Say what you want about polls but when the MSM is pushing stories about polls showing Trump is kicking Biden's ass you know Democrats are panicking and about to drop him like a hot potato.
All indications are Governor Hair Gel from California has made his move to get in the race. I doubt he would do it without knowing in advance that the people who control the party, the ones who gave us Joe Biden in the first place, have given their approval. It looks to me the process has been activated to dump both Biden and Harris. Governor Hair Gel is next man up.
Are there any moderates left in the dem party. Any moderate in the party will be from a smaller area. Kind of surprised Schumer hasn’t showed interest to run. His senate seat is too powerful of a position to give up?
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