Hodge Trophy Standings


2nd Team
Aug 31, 2005
I am curious. What all goes into the Hodge rankings? To me, because Steveson and Starocci are 1 and 2, I am thinking a lot of it has to do with popularity? Mesenbrink the best in the country at bonus rate and most wins without a loss and is third. Hendrickson on this list with the most pins, wins without a loss, and highest dominance score and is 5th. As far as Keckeisen goes, do they include exhibition matches towards the Hodge? Just curious is all.

1Gable StevesonMinnesota285SR114-0292%4.85
2Carter StarocciPenn State184SR322-0685%4.09
3Mitchell MesenbrinkPenn State165SO222-094%4.78
4Keegan O'TooleMissouri174SR616-0287%4.5
5Wyatt HendricksonOK State285SR722-01085%5.19
6Caleb HensonVirginia Tech149JR818-0372%4.38
7AJ FerrariCSU-Bakersfield197JR1416-0282%4.75
8Parker KeckeisenNorthern Iowa184SR2023-1282%4.47
From WIN Magazine, who gives the award:

The committee, made up of all past Hodge winners, select national media, a retired college coach from each region, and a representative of each national wrestling organization will each vote based on four criteria: record, dominance/bonus-point percentage, quality of competition and sportsmanship.
I am curious. What all goes into the Hodge rankings? To me, because Steveson and Starocci are 1 and 2, I am thinking a lot of it has to do with popularity? Mesenbrink the best in the country at bonus rate and most wins without a loss and is third. Hendrickson on this list with the most pins, wins without a loss, and highest dominance score and is 5th. As far as Keckeisen goes, do they include exhibition matches towards the Hodge? Just curious is all.

1Gable StevesonMinnesota285SR114-0292%4.85
2Carter StarocciPenn State184SR322-0685%4.09
3Mitchell MesenbrinkPenn State165SO222-094%4.78
4Keegan O'TooleMissouri174SR616-0287%4.5
5Wyatt HendricksonOK State285SR722-01085%5.19
6Caleb HensonVirginia Tech149JR818-0372%4.38
7AJ FerrariCSU-Bakersfield197JR1416-0282%4.75
8Parker KeckeisenNorthern Iowa184SR2023-1282%4.47

Interesting. I don't know why they would include the CStar/Keck exhibition match. I only double checked Steveson and CStar but I can say they are off with CStar's dominance score. He should be at 4.86 with counting the Keck match. (Steveson is correct.)
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I am curious. What all goes into the Hodge rankings? To me, because Steveson and Starocci are 1 and 2, I am thinking a lot of it has to do with popularity? Mesenbrink the best in the country at bonus rate and most wins without a loss and is third. Hendrickson on this list with the most pins, wins without a loss, and highest dominance score and is 5th. As far as Keckeisen goes, do they include exhibition matches towards the Hodge? Just curious is all.

1Gable StevesonMinnesota285SR114-0292%4.85
2Carter StarocciPenn State184SR322-0685%4.09
3Mitchell MesenbrinkPenn State165SO222-094%4.78
4Keegan O'TooleMissouri174SR616-0287%4.5
5Wyatt HendricksonOK State285SR722-01085%5.19
6Caleb HensonVirginia Tech149JR818-0372%4.38
7AJ FerrariCSU-Bakersfield197JR1416-0282%4.75
8Parker KeckeisenNorthern Iowa184SR2023-1282%4.47
The first step is to produce a list of finalists. The process for that changes from year to year, but it is always from among the NCAA champions. Sometimes it is all ten, and sometimes it is a subset. For example, in 2023 it was all ten and last year it was 5 of the ten.

Once the finalists are chosen the vote described by @cowboyfan05 takes place. But what is not mentioned in that excerpt is that there is also a fan vote. The winner of the fan vote receives an additional 5 votes (about 8.5% of the total). It is winner take all in the fan vote and last year there were almost 27,000 fan votes cast.

Mike Chapman, the creator of the award, wrote this recently on the Intermat forum about the award:

"Good discussion and beneficial to anyone interested in wrestlers being honored. When I first came up with the concept back in 1994, I sat down with Dan Hodge (my first book was "Two Guys Named Dan" in 1976 and we became very good friends) and told him of my plans to create something similar to the Heisman Trophy, to draw more media attention and to give college wrestlers something extra to shoot for.

Dan endorsed the idea and said if I named it after him, he would like pinning to be an essential part. In 1956, Dan won three national titles (collegiate, freestyle and Greco-Roman) in two weeks time by pinning all 13 foes. I quickly agreed that pinning would be a main factor.

But since then, Bryan Van Kley (who bought WIN from me many years ago) and I have tried to "keep up with the times" by including dominance to mean techs and majors, as well as pins. And we consult with many former coaches and leaders of the sport who are on the voting committee and try to listen to what fans are saying (WKN and JB, in particular) and some of my longtime friends who have been involved with the sport for over half a century.

Bryan and I are proud that over 20,000 fans vote on line each year and that all the colleges that have a winner play it up big, both at the annual wrestling banquet and at a football game in the fall, often with 70,000 fans in attendance. And we greatly appreciate our sponsor Asics. The goal was always to make wrestling more visible and to honor those who excel at Mankind's Oldest Sport. -- Mike Chapman"
Mike Chapman, the creator of the award, wrote this recently on the Intermat forum about the award:

Dan endorsed the idea and said if I named it after him, he would like pinning to be an essential part. In 1956, Dan won three national titles (collegiate, freestyle and Greco-Roman) in two weeks time by pinning all 13 foes. I quickly agreed that pinning would be a main factor.
This is what I thought. Going into the Big 12 finals I thought Wyatt had as much chance of losing to Schultz as he did for beating Steveson at nationals but we saw what almost happened. That being said, Wyatt doesn't deserve the Hodge unless he beats Steveson but right now, with 10 pins and no losses, he should be in first
Should be Wyatt or Mesenbrink. I would think the quality of schedule would favor Wyatt, plus pins and dominance scores. Mesenbrink would have the bonus rate. However, I think it is gonna be Starocci because of being a 5 Time Champ and he wrestles for Penn State. Wyatt or Mesenbrink definitely deserve it though.
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If they have CStar the MOW, they’re giving him the Hodge too. Which sucks because it clearly was Wyatt this year
There is a vote for former Hodge winners also, I think looking at the list there are 8 Penn State Votes now that David’s 2 votes are clearly aligned with OSU. Gable probably uses his 2 votes on Wyatt, Askren’s take would be interesting given his close relationship with the Messenbrinks but his complete infatuation with Wyatt.
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Here are the #s for the Hodge. Under O (other), Wyatt had a MF, CStar stalled Ruth out, Mitchell had 2 forfeits and a Ryan Duck*.

It's interesting that Wyatt went the entire season without a major and especially that Mesenbrink didn't pin anyone (he did have 4 pins last season so he knows how to do it...) I did NOT include the All-Star classic at the beginning of the season.

Edit: Bonus % does not include other results (MFs, DQs, FFs). Dominance number counts other results as 6 points just like match scoring.


*Ryan Duck - when a coach medically forfeits a wrestler in the championship bracket of a conference tournament and then has them wrestle in the consolations for a more favorable draw to qualify for NCAAs. This type of ducking has had mixed results for Coach Ryan of Ohio State.
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Here are the #s for the Hodge. Under O (other), Wyatt had a MF, CStar stalled Ruth out, Mitchell had 2 forfeits and a Ryan Duck*.

It's interesting that Wyatt went the entire season without a major and especially that Mesenbrink didn't pin anyone (he did have 4 pins last season so he knows how to do it...) I did NOT include the All-Star classic at the beginning of the season.

Edit: Bonus % does not include other results (MFs, DQs, FFs). Dominance number counts other results as 6 points just like match scoring.


*Ryan Duck - when a coach medically forfeits a wrestler in the championship bracket of a conference tournament and then has them wrestle in the consolations for a more favorable draw to qualify for NCAAs. This type of ducking has had mixed results for Coach Ryan of Ohio State.
Why MD someone when you can pin him. Look at that PIN numbers, it should be Wyatt. Pinning his way to beat two former NCAA champions, one of them with Olympic Gold, is no small feat.
There is a vote for former Hodge winners also, I think looking at the list there are 8 Penn State Votes now that David’s 2 votes are clearly aligned with OSU. Gable probably uses his 2 votes on Wyatt, Askren’s take would be interesting given his close relationship with the Messenbrinks but his complete infatuation But hoping common sense prevails.
Hopefully common sense prevails and not school loyalty.
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Why MD someone when you can pin him. Look at that PIN numbers, it should be Wyatt. Pinning his way to beat two former NCAA champions, one of them with Olympic Gold, is no small feat.
During the 2003-2006, My 16 to 19 year old son attended all four and in one of them he got Danny Hodges autograph which he sadly lost somehow. I distinctly remember that in said, "Pinning is more important than Winning!! Danny Hodge."
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If its a career award give it to CStar. If it’s about who had the best season there really is only one choice and that is not any kind of knock on CStar or MM.
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If its a career award give it to CStar. If it’s about who had the best season there really is only one choice and that is not any kind of knock on CStar or MM.
It is not a career award. Many of the best career wrestlers never got one. Diakomihalis, Kyle Snyder, and Jason Nolf all finished great careers without a Hodge. Starocci will be in fine company.