My ass it was shows her leaving her daughter's apartment two hours later looking super fresh and spunky. She didn't have any pneumonia.
Body double.
My ass it was shows her leaving her daughter's apartment two hours later looking super fresh and spunky. She didn't have any pneumonia.
I'd also like to know why this bitch clearly passed out, fell down, and was dragged into a van, yet wasn't taken to the ER?
Was it because the folks taking care of her were prepared for such a publicly viewed incident or because passing out from heat exhaustion or pneumonia or whatever is probable cause for loading up an unconscious old lady that is preparing to be the most powerful individual in the world and dragging her to her daughters f'n apartment?
Seems odd.
Good thing weird Uncle Joe wasn't there he'd of dragged her into the van doggie style holding on to both boobs.The farther she sinks in the polls the more likely she will either withdraw due to medical reasons or she will be forced out with the excuse being medical reasons. Then the big before election sympathy play to elect Biden as the White Knight.
I blame Bush!!
Oh my gawd! Laughing tears.
The hair is parted one way then the other.