Highly Recommend

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
Spent the weekend reading a remarkable book. “Empire of the Summer Moon: Quana Parker & The Rise & Fall of the Comanches, The Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History.” If you’re a history buff, especially interested in the Plains Indians of the American West, this book is captivating. Strongly recommend.
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Spent the weekend reading a remarkable book. “Empire of the Summer Moon: Quana Parker & The Rise & Fall of the Comanches, The Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History.” If you’re a history buff, especially interested in the Plains Indians of the American West, this book is captivating. Strongly recommend.

That's a great book Dan. There's also a great one on Red Cloud that's pretty recent, too.
i think i read this years back

does it talk about a comanche warrior putting the entrails of his first horse around his neck for sustanance after he ran his first horse to death?

and all the gyp water through western ok and tx panhandle?

if it's the same book i really enjoyed it as well