He wants YOUR cookie.

Never was a priest.

And heck yeah I'd love a shot at prosecuting Trump.

You would have better luck convicting Lil Debs. Oh wait he was already convicted lmao.

You ladies are fun. So easy. I see why you voted for Biden mindlessly and guilt free. Kudos. I still think your vote matters and you should have your opinions even though I am sure we disagree on a lot of them. You two intelligent Karen’s got this!

@my_2cents and @Syskatine
That's just like, your opinion n' shit, man.
Ok let me be clear because I want to be straight on this. So as long as it is something your side supports then breaking the law is, ok? I thought you were mad those Jan 6th peps broke the law? Or you just mad your side lost to an insurrection of MAGA flags? Also, I am only here to keep you and a couple other honest. I honestly don't care about Jan 6th but you sure do.
Whoa. Who lost what to what? Last I check Donnie was down in Florida trying to figure out what to do next and hold the wolves at bay. Do I have that wrong?
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Great plan by Trump!

Send a bunch of unarmed people led by a freak in a an Indian Shaman costume to go overthrow the US government that has defeated the British Empire twice, the Confederacy, the
Kizer, the Nazi's, the Japanese Empire.

Yep, it was an insurrection. What a bunch of f#cking idiots!
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Great plan by Trump!

Send a bunch of unarmed people led by a freak in a an Indian Shaman costume to go overthrow the US government that has defeated the British Empire twice, the Confederacy, the
Kizer, the Nazi's, the Japanese Empire.

Yep, it was an insurrection. What a bunch of f#cking idiots!
Agreed. What a bunch of f#cking idiots. Meadows actually thought they had a shot. Rudy was read to be Attorney General. HOLY **** those guys are stupid.
What where they armed with? How many armed people where there? Did they have enough firepower to over throw the sovereignty of the United States of America?

Dude the insurrection bull sh!t is BULL SH!T!
Agree that the effort was weak as ****. The intention though is pretty damn clear isn't it? Is incompetency a defense in your professional life too?
What where they armed with? How many armed people where there? Did they have enough firepower to over throw the sovereignty of the United States of America?

Dude the insurrection bull sh!t is BULL SH!T!
They obviously attempted and failed. They were MAGA, and thought it was the smart move because the people you adore put them up to it. None of this is surprising. Maga attracts the worst, the nuts, the criminals. Rinse and repeat.
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Wow! What a powerful army Trump amassed "stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats and flagpoles wielded as clubs.

One nut job, who they never caught, put pipe bombs by the Democrat AND REPUBLICAN headquarters. I'd bet a large sum it was an ANTIFA scumbag.

Are you freaking morons really trying to tell the American people that the sitting President of the United States plan to stay in power, with all the resources he had at his disposal, and knowing the full extent of the governments police and military power sent a bunch of derelicts to the capitol to take over the United States of America armed with pepper spray, baseball bats and f'ng FLAGPOLES!

Trump asked for the National Guard at the capitol, Nancy P (P is for plastered) denied the request. What's up with that crap lefties?

You insurrectionist lunatics are BAT SH!T F'ING CRAZY!

72% percent of Americans see it for exactly what it was, a protest that got our of hand. The only reason anyone gives it a second thought is because democrat morons, who think the people will fall for anything they regurgitate, will fall for the ridiculous Trump conspiracy nonsense that has failed for 6 years now.
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Are you freaking morons really trying to tell the American people that the sitting President of the United States plan to stay in power, with all the resources he had at his disposal, and knowing the full extent of the governments police and military power sent a bunch of derelicts to the capitol to take over the United States of America armed with pepper spray, baseball bats and f'ng FLAGPOLES!

Yes. It's on video.
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Wow! What a powerful army Trump amassed "stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats and flagpoles wielded as clubs.
No one has every claimed they were smart people. Clearly, they weren't. They were just deluded Trump cult fanatics who allowed their dear leader to rile them up.

Your original statement though, was incorrect.
No one has every claimed they were smart people. Clearly, they weren't. They were just deluded Trump cult fanatics who allowed their dear leader to rile them up.

Your original statement though, was incorrect.

Imagine living in a world where you say, "My fellow cult members are so dumb they probably didn't REALLY mean to set aside the election..."

LOL like you were saying, they're a cult. "Dont' believe your eyes. Don't believe all the people saying they were there to overturn the election. Some narrative somewhere makes none of that matter." He went from "edited" to something wrong with a narrative.

They're openly wanting Putin to have free reign over eastern europe, which is of course what Biff wanted unless they helped him frame Biden.

No, just the genesis of the narrative.

The core lie.
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No one has every claimed they were smart people. Clearly, they weren't. They were just deluded Trump cult fanatics who allowed their dear leader to rile them up.

Your original statement though, was incorrect.
So dumb they got Pelosi's computer?
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Imagine living in a world where you say, "My fellow cult members are so dumb they probably didn't REALLY mean to set aside the election..."

LOL like you were saying, they're a cult. "Dont' believe your eyes. Don't believe all the people saying they were there to overturn the election. Some narrative somewhere makes none of that matter." He went from "edited" to something wrong with a narrative.

They're openly wanting Putin to have free reign over eastern europe, which is of course what Biff wanted unless they helped him frame Biden.

Have you ever wondered why you say what you say?

I keep trying to show you how the kool aid is made.
As you dismiss all the evidence of what occurred on January 6, including attacking videos of that day as edited? :rolleyes:

If you want to live in Trump's cult, go right I ahead I guess. There is clearly nothing the rest of us can say that would convince you otherwise. You are long gone.
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As you dismiss all the evidence of what occurred on January 6, including attacking videos of that day as edited? :rolleyes:

If you want to live in Trump's cult, go right I ahead I guess. There is clearly nothing the rest of us can say that would convince you otherwise. You are long gone.

More parsing and ignoring.
So dumb they got Pelosi's computer?
Yeah, that right there is evidence of a huge lapse in security. I have been looking for some indication of how they handled all the tainted IT equipment, network, etc. I haven't found anything that indicates the right things were done after Jan. 6.
Yeah, that right there is evidence of a huge lapse in security. I have been looking for some indication of how they handled all the tainted IT equipment, network, etc. I haven't found anything that indicates the right things were done after Jan. 6.
I just hope it didn't end up in foreign hands, but I think that is wishful thinking. The silence seems to indicate that.