Hate crime in Chicago

For the record, anyone that actually reads this thread can easily see that I have never endorsed the accuracy or truthfulness of this claim.

I deliberately haven't committed on the truth or falsity of the report in question during my general hate crimes discussion with @cableok.
Just updating people that seemed to care about the story :)
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Just updating people that seemed to care about the story :)

You can leave me off in the future then.

I don't particularly care about the particular story. Either it's true or it's not. Time will tell.
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You can leave me off in the future then.

I don't particularly care about the particular story. Either it's true or it's not. Time will tell.

What will be interesting though is that if its not true, the media will have again run and created a national story on hearsay only simply because it conforms with their "MAGA is bad" view. BTW, I've stated I didn't believe this story but simply because it wasn't plausible. Someone who recognized this guy outside a restraunt in downtown Chicago while its negative degrees outside, and they just happened to have a rope and bleach and assaulted him. I believe there are right-wing racists out there, but the story as it was told didn't pass the sniff test.
What will be interesting though is that if its not true, the media will have again run and created a national story on hearsay only simply because it conforms with their "MAGA is bad" view. BTW, I've stated I didn't believe this story but simply because it wasn't plausible. Someone who recognized this guy outside a restraunt in downtown Chicago while its negative degrees outside, and they just happened to have a rope and bleach and assaulted him. I believe there are right-wing racists out there, but the story as it was told didn't pass the sniff test.

A large....exceedingly large.....number of news reports run on hearsay and always have. It’s pretty much all hearsay unless the reporter themselves observed what they are reporting on directly. Even reporting basic “X was murdered here and police are investigating” situations is based upon hearsay reports of LE.

I don’t have a problem with the news running the story. If it is later determined to be a false claim, I would want the reporting of that to be similarly extensive but expect that it wouldn’t be.
I don't think a large number of news reports make it to the level this hack job did. And reaffirmed by every msm outlet for days. You might see a blip on page 43 in the paper but not these wwIII headlines for days. who cares if the horse is blind, load the wagon.....
looks like they've found 2 persons of interest...


and yes, they are serious.

if they spent this much time tracking down all the murderers in chicago...well, never mind.
The one on the left looks like he's "slacking" down to the tops of his ankles. How many MAGA's slack?
Dude should be, at a minimum, charged with making a false report of he was lying. It always sounded a little wild. What I can't really get is how all of a sudden MAGA's offended at a whopper?
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So according to video the attack would have had to have taken less than a minute. The two guys were some pretty efficient MAGA perps to do all that in under 60 seconds.

They are going to beat a guy, pour some bleach on him, put a rope around his neck... all the while he fights back, in under a minute and then calmly walk away telling him it is MAGA country - all the while avoiding every single video camera in and around the area.

That's some Bull Shit right there.
So according to video the attack would have had to have taken less than a minute. The two guys were some pretty efficient MAGA perps to do all that in under 60 seconds.

They are going to beat a guy, pour some bleach on him, put a rope around his neck... all the while he fights back, in under a minute and then calmly walk away telling him it is MAGA country - all the while avoiding every single video camera in and around the area.

That's some Bull Shit right there.

And don't forget, his sandwich wasn't harmed!!:rolleyes:
So according to video the attack would have had to have taken less than a minute. The two guys were some pretty efficient MAGA perps to do all that in under 60 seconds.

They are going to beat a guy, pour some bleach on him, put a rope around his neck... all the while he fights back, in under a minute and then calmly walk away telling him it is MAGA country - all the while avoiding every single video camera in and around the area.

That's some Bull Shit right there.
It's possible if they were ninjas. Bet you didn't think of that.

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