Hamas Leader killed

How does this killing bring peace?


I will use this skunk that has set up residence by my shop side door as an example. I have tried every humane way possible for 2 weeks to get rid of it but it wouldn't leave. For 2 weeks I bought everything they said would make it move on, pine sol, amonia, red pepper, irish spring soap, coyote urine, repels all etc but nothing worked. You see this lil bastard is much like the Hamas prick that was killed in that nobody wants them around. My Peace has been interrupted trying to get rid of it humanely, buying all that crap that doesn't work and having to cover its entrance hole daily.
I think I finally dispatched it Monday as it has not returned and now I have peace again. See how that works?
I will use this skunk that has set up residence by my shop side door as an example. I have tried every humane way possible for 2 weeks to get rid of it but it wouldn't leave. For 2 weeks I bought everything they said would make it move on, pine sol, amonia, red pepper, irish spring soap, coyote urine, repels all etc but nothing worked. You see this lil bastard is much like the Hamas prick that was killed in that nobody wants them around. My Peace has been interrupted trying to get rid of it humanely, buying all that crap that doesn't work and having to cover its entrance hole daily.
I think I finally dispatched it Monday as it has not returned and now I have peace again. See how that works?
Small caliber?

Hat trick achieved. Another evil terrorist taking a dirt nap.

Looking forward to Dan’s senile delusions on this one.

I do find it interesting that Dan claims he doesn’t support Hamas but then cries every time one of their leaders is removed from the face of the earth.

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