FISA would not have been approved if not for the dossier.
FISA would not have been approved if not for the dossier.
And Gowdy would know
He said only 3 people have read everything, and he's one.
Dilly DillyThis is why McCabe's testimony has to be released, Dems will not believe it until his testimony is released. Even then they may not believe it, and if they agree he said it, they will say he was pressured by Trump to say that to keep his job and this is Putin's work, it will get COMICAL and insult the intelligence of Americans in a big way. Denial, denial, denial, denial, denial, denial, denial, denial. Did I say denial?
However, the public will see thru the Dems denials, the public has to have this testimony. Let sunshine bring transparency and truth to the American people and let them judge, not a bunch of left wing crazed life time politicians that could careless about the truth or protecting American citizens.
Could be really smart by Reps not letting out the testimony now, let the Dems show how much in denial they are how much they will lie about documents they have seen. They know no bounds, eventually the public is going to get it. Reps are going to slow drip all of this corruption all they way to the mid-terms, it is a smart play, it allows the Dems to constantly change their position and reveal their lies.
Dems prior to memo release, memo will reveal methods and sources (a complete lie), after it is released, this is nothing. I think we see more of the Dem hypocrisy on full glorious display for months.
They also need to keep replaying Pelosi calling Comey a "Republican Operative" and Schumer and the rest of Dems slamming the FBI after Comey's second public comment on Hillary's email server, amazing how much their view has changed in such a short period of time. They also need to focus on Pelosi's "crumb's" comments. Once all Americans realize their paychecks are bigger, how can they defend not voting for tax reform? If Reps stick to their current platform, challenge Dems with the truth and economy and defeat their racism with facts, do not back down at all and be prepared to attack MSM when they are interviewed and not assume they are friendly, Reps have a great chance to keep the house. Trump's approval ratings are rising, the SOTUS was well received. Economy doing a great, some great optics to attack. You have to attack the black caucus for sitting on their hands and not clapping for lowest African American unemployment ever. Dems have taken a bunch of rope over their hatred of Trump, Reps can capitalize on this.
Trump won despite OVERWHELMING odds against him, far worse then we even understood at the time.
RNC's checkbook has never been larger, DNC is broke. Foot is on the throat, Reps do no need to listen to the historical mantra Dems are spewing, challenge every single election and take it to them. Dem playbook has given Reps a golden opportunity, foot is on the throat. Build up an overwhelming majority in the House and Senate, steam roll thru Trump's policy, and in the process end the Democratic party as we know it today for good. That would be doing everyone in the country a huge favor.
British intelligent officer. Trusted info in previous investigations. One of the foremost experts on Russia.
Carry on.
What else,do,we know about him?
Dude, catch up. You're so 3 years ago. None of this is about Republican versus Democrat or conservative versus left wing. Your inability to see this, or your unwillingness to see this, deems 99.9% of your posts on these topics irrelevant.He was first hired by CONSERVATIVES to look at Trump.