Google - “Preventing the next Trump Situation”

Lazy response. And then a copied and pasted lazy response.

Nice doge.
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Back on point.
Pretty sad they're attempting to sway elections pandering to low IQ, impressionable idiots.
This was the core intentions of the Second Amendment to prevent this shit.
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@Been Jammin do me a favor. Watch this and tell me how it got edited and what context I’m missing. Because to me it looks like one cut until it cuts to a different scene at the end.

But what do I know?
I’ve asked and he won’t answer. His warlords have told him to attack the messenger when the message hurts the cause.
Please show me where I posted anything negative about those kids.

I did not say that you said negative things about the boys from Covington.

I said that I couldn't remember you saying anything about all of those short clips being taken out of context, like what you are saying happened this time.

Question: Were you against those short clips being assembled to make it look like the boys from Covington were guilty like what you are suggesting is happening in this PV video?
I did not say that you said negative things about the boys from Covington.

I said that I couldn't remember you saying anything about all of those short clips being taken out of context, like what you are saying happened this time.

Question: Were you against those short clips being assembled to make it look like the boys from Covington were guilty like what you are suggesting is happening in this PV video?

The reason I didn't post anything about the Covington boys was because I wasn't sure of the details of what was really going on in that situation without seeing the full video.

In this case, I feel the same way, and that is what I have been saying throughout this thread. I don't know if the woman in the video is who the video says she is. I don't know how important she is in the company. I don't know what "prevent another Trump situation" means without context.

Bottom line. Project Veritas has been shown to be a BS propaganda machine on enough occasions that I look at everything they share with a critical eye. There may be 1 or 2 instances of them being accurate, but they are heavy on propaganda, and you guys jump all over everything they release because it provides you with confirmation bias. Which is all I have said throughout this thread.

PS. Of all the liberals that post on this site, I am one that is not afraid to call out other liberals when they are being ridiculous and when their arguments don't include basic logic/critical thinking. I have called out Clinton, Sys and Pokabear in the past. I have frequently posted criticism of AOC, Omar and, (on occasion) a few other Democratic leaders. I think for myself (unlike many of your brethren).
@N. Pappagiorgio , I don't have "warlords" who tell me what I should be doing on line. I'm curious where you think I might be getting my marching orders?
The reason I didn't post anything about the Covington boys was because I wasn't sure of the details of what was really going on in that situation without seeing the full video.

In this case, I feel the same way, and that is what I have been saying throughout this thread. I don't know if the woman in the video is who the video says she is. I don't know how important she is in the company. I don't know what "prevent another Trump situation" means without context.

Bottom line. Project Veritas has been shown to be a BS propaganda machine on enough occasions that I look at everything they share with a critical eye. There may be 1 or 2 instances of them being accurate, but they are heavy on propaganda, and you guys jump all over everything they release because it provides you with confirmation bias. Which is all I have said throughout this thread.

PS. Of all the liberals that post on this site, I am one that is not afraid to call out other liberals when they are being ridiculous and when their arguments don't include basic logic/critical thinking. I have called out Clinton, Sys and Pokabear in the past. I have frequently posted criticism of AOC, Omar and, (on occasion) a few other Democratic leaders. I think for myself (unlike many of your brethren).
@N. Pappagiorgio , I don't have "warlords" who tell me what I should be doing on line. I'm curious where you think I might be getting my marching orders?

What had veritas been proven to be bs on?
Looks like they were trying to sucker others into publishing fake stuff, but Veritas didn't succeed. How else would they get an expose other than going "undercover" like that? Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but it doesn't seem that Veritas distorted anything here. They just didn't get anything.
Looks like they were trying to sucker others into publishing fake stuff, but Veritas didn't succeed. How else would they get an expose other than going "undercover" like that? Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but it doesn't seem that Veritas distorted anything here. They just didn't get anything.
That's a thoughtful look at the evidence.
No. Did you read my 2nd link? Like the entire link?

Yes, Been. There's more to this than what you linked.

But you're using them to feel justified in assuming a black and white position.

I understand. I mean, it's lazy and borders on self-indulgent, but I understand.

The irony is I googled “fingers in ears gif” for you after your first post in this thread. Not sure why I didn’t post it but think about it. You are attacking the messenger and plugging your ears to what was actually said.

By the way - she admitted to saying it. Claims it was out of context. In what context is that ok?
This "BS propaganda machine" PV sure has some Google execs hunkering down.

Jen Gennai, the Google executive caught on video bragging that “Congress can pressure us but we’re not changing,” panicked, deleted her Twitter account and made her Instagram ‘private.’

Gaurav Gite, the Google engineer revealing the tech giant’s actions to manipulate its algorithms based on its own definition of “fairness,” has deleted his Facebook page.
This "BS propaganda machine" PV sure has some Google execs hunkering down.

Jen Gennai, the Google executive caught on video bragging that “Congress can pressure us but we’re not changing,” panicked, deleted her Twitter account and made her Instagram ‘private.’

Gaurav Gite, the Google engineer revealing the tech giant’s actions to manipulate its algorithms based on its own definition of “fairness,” has deleted his Facebook page.

this is fun
This "BS propaganda machine" PV sure has some Google execs hunkering down.

Jen Gennai, the Google executive caught on video bragging that “Congress can pressure us but we’re not changing,” panicked, deleted her Twitter account and made her Instagram ‘private.’

Gaurav Gite, the Google engineer revealing the tech giant’s actions to manipulate its algorithms based on its own definition of “fairness,” has deleted his Facebook page.

@Been Jammin

So this happened (see above), and the Veritas video was cited today by Cruz - not exactly a conspiracy guy during a Senate hearing.

You still sticking with this being bs?
Nobody asked this, so I will.

Why the hell is Fox News ignoring this story? Hannity... crickets. Has the Deep State got these people by the balls? Or are THEY the Deep State?

Fox News is looking more and more like the future MSNBC.

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