Goodbye affirmative action!

It would be a blunder because most if not all small liberal arts colleges depend on donations from their graduates to keep the lights on. For most of those donating graduates their kids don’t fall far from the tree and they are more than capable of doing the work required. They graduate and go on to be successful and become legacy donors themselves, helping to perpetuate the existence of the college.
That box of Twinkies put him out.
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It would be a blunder because most if not all small liberal arts colleges depend on donations from their graduates to keep the lights on.
So? What does this have to do with, let me check my right-wing notes, promoting freedom and equality for all in the future? Or letting Americans become just plain old Americans?

For most of those donating graduates their kids don’t fall far from the tree and they are more than capable of doing the work required. They graduate and go on to be successful and become legacy donors themselves, helping to perpetuate the existence of the college.
And for most of those graduates who benefit from affirmative action, they don't fall far from the tree and they are more than capable of doing the work required. They graduate and go on to be successful and become legacy donors themselves, helping to perpetuate the existence of the college.

Long pause.

See how that works?

Now, argue against your own point. Go ahead.
So? What does this have to do with, let me check my right-wing notes, promoting freedom and equality for all in the future? Or letting Americans become just plain old Americans?

And for most of those graduates who benefit from affirmative action, they don't fall far from the tree and they are more than capable of doing the work required. They graduate and go on to be successful and become legacy donors themselves, helping to perpetuate the existence of the college.

Long pause.

See how that works?

Now, argue against your own point. Go ahead.
Based on the work of Walter Williams and backed by Thomas Sowell you are mistaken about affirmative action students. Through no fault of their own, their personal circumstances taken into consideration they enter supposefly elite colleges far behind their fellow entrants. They have to spend so much time taking remedial programs they often fall even further behind and many drop out after a year or two disillusioned and thinking they’re miserable failures. While they could have attended a less elite college where their skills were more evenly matched with the rest of the student body and they become successful in school and successful in life.
Based on the work of Walter Williams and backed by Thomas Sowell you are mistaken about affirmative action students. Through no fault of their own, their personal circumstances taken into consideration they enter supposefly elite colleges far behind their fellow entrants. They have to spend so much time taking remedial programs they often fall even further behind and many drop out after a year or two disillusioned and thinking they’re miserable failures. While they could have attended a less elite college where their skills were more evenly matched with the rest of the student body and they become successful in school and successful in life.
But this can't be! No way! 🤣
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Based on the work of Walter Williams and backed by Thomas Sowell you are mistaken about affirmative action students. Through no fault of their own, their personal circumstances taken into consideration they enter supposefly elite colleges far behind their fellow entrants. They have to spend so much time taking remedial programs they often fall even further behind and many drop out after a year or two disillusioned and thinking they’re miserable failures. While they could have attended a less elite college where their skills were more evenly matched with the rest of the student body and they become successful in school and successful in life.
So just because two right-wingers make these claims, we should automatically accept them?🙄🤣

Nice try Dan, but you don't help prove your right-wing nonsense by quoting two right-wingers. Of course this is what those two are going to claim. It is what they want to believe is true. But it doesn't make it true. Indeed, it isn't true and we have numerous examples of how it isn't true. Starting, btw, with Clarence Thomas.

btw, Walter Williams wrote the forward for Thomas DiLorenzo's book, "The Real Lincoln". This book was very nice anti-Abraham Lincoln and pro-Confederate. Lost cause and all that other bs. Williams endorsed the Confederate view that states could withdrawal from the Union in order to protect the institution of slavery.

So is anyone shocked that Williams would also have a problem with affirmative action?

Do better next time Dan.
No chance I’m reading all of that but one thing I know…@my_2cents is BIG MAD about the Supreme Court ending racism.
I should be the least of your worries. I'm not nearly as "big mad* as many Americans are right now. You are going to have to deal with those Americans come 2024. They vote. And many of them will make sure now to vote. You right-wingers seen to have no understanding of the mess you are creating for yourself come '24.

btw, the Supreme Court didn't end racism yesterday. Seriously man, are you ok? Talk about being delusional.

They, the libs have been melting down all day over it. I love it so God help me I do. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
We shall see how much you love it all come November 2024.

Don't say I didn't warn you.
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I should be the least of your worries. I'm not nearly as "big mad* as many Americans are right now. You are going to have to deal with those Americans come 2024. They vote. And many of them will make sure now to vote. You right-wingers seen to have no understanding of the mess you are creating for yourself come '24.

btw, the Supreme Court didn't end racism yesterday. Seriously man, are you ok? Talk about being delusional.

We shall see how much you love it all come November 2024.

Don't say I didn't warn you.
Joes gonna give ya a bonus for lovin' on Hunter. Good boy.
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I should be the least of your worries. I'm not nearly as "big mad* as many Americans are right now. You are going to have to deal with those Americans come 2024. They vote. And many of them will make sure now to vote. You right-wingers seen to have no understanding of the mess you are creating for yourself come '24.

btw, the Supreme Court didn't end racism yesterday. Seriously man, are you ok? Talk about being delusional.

We shall see how much you love it all come November 2024.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Yeah yeah yeah

So just because two right-wingers make these claims, we should automatically accept them?🙄🤣

Nice try Dan, but you don't help prove your right-wing nonsense by quoting two right-wingers. Of course this is what those two are going to claim. It is what they want to believe is true. But it doesn't make it true. Indeed, it isn't true and we have numerous examples of how it isn't true. Starting, btw, with Clarence Thomas.

btw, Walter Williams wrote the forward for Thomas DiLorenzo's book, "The Real Lincoln". This book was very nice anti-Abraham Lincoln and pro-Confederate. Lost cause and all that other bs. Williams endorsed the Confederate view that states could withdrawal from the Union in order to protect the institution of slavery.

So is anyone shocked that Williams would also have a problem with affirmative action?

Do better next time Dan.
How is legacy admission illegal. Because I do not see how it's illegal doesn't mean I wouldn't like to see it done away with.
Because it "discriminates" against certain Americans and "favors" other Americans.

The same logic you use to claim affirmative action is illegal.
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So do you have anything but the right-wing rambling of neo-Confederate Walter Williams to back up your claims?

Anything else? Anything at all?

btw, what was that you claimed early on this thread . . .
As for my true political and/or policy commitments I only have one: if it increases individual atonomy/liberty I'm for it.
Did Walter Williams support individual autonomy and liberty when he defended the historical actions of Confederates?

You are finally starting to show your true colors Dan. Keep it up. That is what I love about all of this. American voters are getting to see what you right-wingers really believe.
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So do you have anything but the right-wing rambling of neo-Confederate Walter Williams to back up your claims?

Anything else? Anything at all?

btw, what was that you claimed early on this thread . . .

Did Walter Williams support individual autonomy and liberty when he defended the historical actions of Confederates?

You are finally starting to show your true colors Dan. Keep it up. That is what I love about all of this. American voters are getting to see what you right-wingers really believe.
Ma's meatloaf is gittin cold.
So do you have anything but the right-wing rambling of neo-Confederate Walter Williams to back up your claims?

Anything else? Anything at all?

btw, what was that you claimed early on this thread . . .

Did Walter Williams support individual autonomy and liberty when he defended the historical actions of Confederates?

You are finally starting to show your true colors Dan. Keep it up. That is what I love about all of this. American voters are getting to see what you right-wingers really believe.
The blinders over whick you cover your eyes are amazing. Anyone who doesn’t toe the same establishment Democrat Party line that you blindly toe is immediately labeled as “right-wing” as if that automatically eliminates it from your consideration. I have never quite understood your seeming conviction that someone should be embarrassed that you call them right wing. Right-wing thought is just as valid and just as worthy of contemplation as any other. Yet you close your eyes, put you fingers in your ears and start whistling as loud as you can to protect yourself from hearing any opinion other than what you want to believe because for some strange reason you think it’s right wing blasphemy and you might be struck dead on the spot if you listen. You’re a strange bird. Walter Williams was one of the most philosophically consistent libertarians that has ever lived. He was incapable of espousing or endorsing anything unless it was in defense of individual autonomy and liberty. I don’t know the book to which you refer but I do know the author is also a well travelled libertarian. And I would bet my house you have not read the book, you only know what someone else told you it was about.
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Anyone who doesn’t toe the same establishment Democrat Party line that you blindly toe is immediately labeled as “right-wing” as if that automatically eliminates it from your consideration.
Yawn. Same bs nonsense from you that is nothing but a dodge and deflection.

Again, do you have anything to back up your claims except thoughts from right-wingers and neo-Confederates? Anything at all Dan?

Maybe reference another movie? Anything? lol

I have never quite understood your seeming conviction that someone should be embarrassed that you call them right wing. Right-wing thought is just as valid and just as worthy of contemplation as any other.
You are the one that always objects to being called a right-winger. It seems that you are the one embarrassed by the term, not me.

Ask yourself, why do you get so worked up when I call you a right-winger? Especially when you have admitted to being one?

You need to figure out your own issues. Have fun with that.

Walter Williams was one of the most philosophically consistent libertarians that has ever lived. He was incapable of espousing or endorsing anything unless it was in defense of individual autonomy and liberty.
This is flat out not true. Williams defended the "right" of Confederates to break away from the Union so they could own slaves. He defended the "right" of some to own other humans as slaves. That isn't espousing and endorsing individual autonomy and liberty.

I don’t know the book to which you refer but I do know the author is also a well travelled libertarian. And I would bet my house you have not read the book, you only know what someone else told you it was about.
Of course you don't know about that book. I'm not surprised at all you don't know about that book.

You don't ever do any independent research. You don't ever dig deeper. Not with Williams, not with Jr., not with anyone. That is why you never have a firm grasp on anything you talk about. That is why you consistently confuse political terms and sound foolish all the time. That is why you had to ask me to define democratic socialism, after you attacked it not even knowing what it was lol.

And btw, I did read that book. In fact, I have that book in my personal library. As always, your assumption about me is completely wrong.
I should be the least of your worries. I'm not nearly as "big mad* as many Americans are right now. You are going to have to deal with those Americans come 2024. They vote. And many of them will make sure now to vote. You right-wingers seen to have no understanding of the mess you are creating for yourself come '24.

btw, the Supreme Court didn't end racism yesterday. Seriously man, are you ok? Talk about being delusional.

We shall see how much you love it all come November 2024.

Don't say I didn't warn you.
You’re cute.

You spent the ENTIRE day banging on a sports message board about politics.
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Because it "discriminates" against certain Americans and "favors" other Americans.

The same logic you use to claim affirmative action is illegal.

You're supposedly the attorney here so correct me if I'm wrong, isn't the legal definition of discrimination "Unfair treatment because of your race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, disability, age (age 40 or older), or genetic information". If that is the legal definition of discrimination I don't see how your charge of discrimination over Legacy admission is legitimate.
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