Good news for the Covidians


Heisman Candidate
Aug 15, 2021
All you scared zombies that bought in and are STILL drinking the demons' kool aid- this is for y'all.

After 2 years of People with hard ons for taking a PCR tests that is totally junk as far as
Testing between flu and the Coof-
Let's See how this one does. BTW the tests made by a country that kills their own people
And hates us.

A reminder the WHOLE plandemic was
based up fraudulent PCR test that were 90 percent false positives- and everyone that got diagnosed with the Coof, their chances of
Dying went from LT 1 percent to around 30 if the didn't take early treatments and went to the killing fields- errr hospitals- good ole Remdesivir and intubation eh?
Tow truck driver buddy Told me today he has a heart monitor, lower leg swelling and gets results soon for his heart. Double death jabbed experiental gene therapied - his wife is a nurse and didn't stop him. Some or many of these medical people have no clue about how bad these poison shots are- they just listen to total sociopathS (Fauci and Walensky et al) and do what they say- Quite amazing- Horribly wrong and sad

Enablers are letting these demons stick these poison in our kids- just a reminder for all that are Scared to speak out against them
OMG they are saying the breath a lizer Coof tests are going to be "about the same reliability". Baby geez- that's 10 percent on a good day lol. THEN if you're positive- they want you to still take The China made 90 plus percent fraudulent PCR tests- wow!!!'

All the sheep will keep lining up for this BS- no symptoms at all-
"Getcha test heay" smh
Dude, get laid, it really helps take the edge off.
Thats not a problem but thanks- I won't stop until all the sheep quit lining up to take fraudulent tests drummed up by the rich elite to make fools of everyone While stabbing our healthy kids with poison- maybe some of you should speak out a little more and they wouldn't be going after our kids? Maybe?

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