Nope. Again, a conclusion such as "that they were a contributory factor of unknown or unspecified significance" is an unfalsifiable statement. It's actually one of the most pathetic statements you could make in a scientific paper. If there was an actual measurable linkage, the conclusion wouldn't be worded that way. Actually stating the linkage with measurable data would be a falsifiable statement.It is falsifiable. H>0 leaves a lot of room for falsifying. They concede that the drought at the very least did not have a stabilizing effect when they say it is "essentially unfalsifiable." They are saying it H is obviously non negative.
Some similar proposition's that are quite falsifiable since the H can be negative.
The high proportion of women in regions of Syria contributed to the conflict.
Ethnic homogenity in Syria contributed to the conflict.
The high proportion of senior citizens in regions of Syria contributed to the conflict.
Cyanide increases life expectancy.