Global Warming Doom

It is falsifiable. H>0 leaves a lot of room for falsifying. They concede that the drought at the very least did not have a stabilizing effect when they say it is "essentially unfalsifiable." They are saying it H is obviously non negative.
Some similar proposition's that are quite falsifiable since the H can be negative.
The high proportion of women in regions of Syria contributed to the conflict.
Ethnic homogenity in Syria contributed to the conflict.
The high proportion of senior citizens in regions of Syria contributed to the conflict.
Cyanide increases life expectancy.
Nope. Again, a conclusion such as "that they were a contributory factor of unknown or unspecified significance" is an unfalsifiable statement. It's actually one of the most pathetic statements you could make in a scientific paper. If there was an actual measurable linkage, the conclusion wouldn't be worded that way. Actually stating the linkage with measurable data would be a falsifiable statement.
Nope. Again, a conclusion such as "that they were a contributory factor of unknown or unspecified significance" is an unfalsifiable statement. It's actually one of the most pathetic statements you could make in a scientific paper. If there was an actual measurable linkage, the conclusion wouldn't be worded that way. Actually stating the linkage with measurable data would be a falsifiable statement.
It is extremely falsifiable. H>0 leaves more than half the possible outcomes as falsifying.
1. Acknowledge evidence
2. Hand wave
3. No evidence
Yeah, no, sorry. What you posted isn't "evidence" in this article. It's a conclusion drawn by another source that was analyzed in this paper for the validity of its claim. According to the authors of this article, that conclusion didn't hold up under review of the available data.
It is extremely falsifiable. H>0 leaves more than half the possible outcomes as falsifying.
No, it actually doesn't. Any conclusion that claims the statement is false can be rebutted using no data because the original conclusion contains no supporting data.

"The Syrian government is hiding information from the world community." "We didn't say the linkage was substantial." "The people you actually need to talk to are all dead."
Yeah, no, sorry. What you posted isn't "evidence" in this article. It's a conclusion drawn by another source that was analyzed in this paper for the validity of its claim. According to the authors of this article, that conclusion didn't hold up under review of the available data.
Sorry but the testimony of people actually involved in the conflict is evidence and good evidence at that.
No, it actually doesn't. Any conclusion that claims the statement is false can be rebutted using no data because the original conclusion contains no supporting data.

"The Syrian government is hiding information from the world community." "We didn't say the linkage was substantial." "The people you actually need to talk to are all dead."
Okay I'll put you in the "cyanide positively contributes to human lifespan is unfalsifiable" camp.
Okay I'll put you in the "cyanide positively contributes to human lifespan is unfalsifiable" camp.
Except that isn't unfalsifiable. The effects of cyanide on humans is widely known and well documented.
Except that isn't unfalsifiable. The effects of cyanide on humans is widely known.
In the same way that "cyanide positively contributes to the lifespan of humans" is falsifiable, "the drought in Syria contributed to the Syrian civil war is falsifiable." In fact, in the face if such scant evidence the only thing you would need to falsify it would be one Syrian farmer who said the Syrian civil war was actually delayed or buffered by the drought.
Calling it unfalsifiable concedes that the drought contributed to the conflict however immeasurable that contribution is.
In the same way that "cyanide positively contributes to the lifespan of humans" is falsifiable, "the drought in Syria contributed to the Syrian civil war is falsifiable." In fact, in the face if such scant evidence the only thing you would need to falsify it would be one Syrian farmer who said the Syrian civil war was actually delayed or buffered by the drought.
The authors actually used the word "essentially." I apologize for omitting "essentially" from my posts. You are correct that it only takes one Syrian farmer to technically make it falsifiable.

It rained 9 feet in 5 seconds at my house today.

Ted Bundy says he didn't murder anyone so it's clear he didn't murder anyone.
The authors actually used the word "essentially." I apologize for omitting "essentially" from my posts. You are correct that it only takes one Syrian farmer to technically make it falsifiable.

It rained 9 feet in 5 seconds at my house today.

Ted Bundy says he didn't murder anyone so it's clear he didn't murder anyone.
The authors are absolutely right to use essentially, because the drought contributed to the conflict and the only remaining question is "to what degree?"
The authors are absolutely right to use essentially, because the drought contributed to the conflict and the only remaining question is "to what degree?"
Except that it hasn't been proven that it did contribute to the conflict. It has only been hypothesized that it contributed. As the article being discussed clearly shows, none of the conclusions from scholarly articles claiming a definitive linkage actually held up to scrutiny. That doesn't mean that a linkage doesn't exist, it means that a linkage hasn't been proven yet.
Except that it hasn't been proven that it did contribute to the conflict. It has only been hypothesized that it contributed. As the article being discussed clearly shows, none of the conclusions from scholarly articles claiming a definitive linkage actually held up to scrutiny. That doesn't mean that a linkage doesn't exist, it means that a linkage hasn't been proven yet.
Feel free to falsify.
The authors are absolutely right to use essentially, because the drought contributed to the conflict and the only remaining question is "to what degree?"
You're actually doing exactly what the authors rightfully criticized as "essentially unfalsifiable." Your rebuttal can always be "One Syrian farmer said the drought caused it." Even if I find 1,000 Syrian farmers that state it didn't, you have one Syrian farmer to cling to as evidence the drought contributed to the conflict.

pilt took his cyanide capsule with water. Water killed pilt.
The authors are absolutely right to use essentially, because the drought contributed to the conflict and the only remaining question is "to what degree?"
Brad's grandmother said bacon cured her breast cancer. Sure she had surgery to remove the cancerous tumor and lymph nodes, had chemotherapy, and even radiation, but she ate bacon everyday and her cancer went away.
Good gawd, as a twelve-year survivor, it's bacon and BEER!
pilt, there's all the evidence you need. JimmyBob says bacon and beer cure cancer. We can safely ignore any and all evidence to the contrary.
pilt, there's all the evidence you need. JimmyBob says bacon and beer cure cancer. We can safely ignore any and all evidence to the contrary.
Haven't we been told that the nitrosamines in bacon cause cancer? Of course, those poor mice were injected with the equivalent of 30 pounds of bacon per day for months before developing cancer. I'm surprised they didn't turn into pigs before they got cancer.
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Little cool out this morning. Should be able to shed the jacket later as they say it’s going to warm nicely.
You're actually doing exactly what the authors rightfully criticized as "essentially unfalsifiable." Your rebuttal can always be "One Syrian farmer said the drought caused it." Even if I find 1,000 Syrian farmers that state it didn't, you have one Syrian farmer to cling to as evidence the drought contributed to the conflict.
That's called staking out a defensible position. 1,000 Syrian farmers stating that the drought delayed or buffered the conflict would completely falsify the hypothesis. But no amount of farmers saying it had zero impact can falsify just one farmer who said it did. Again the reason it is essentially unfalsifiable is because everyone know the direction the drought pushed things, it is absolutely falsifiable if we consider the possibility that the drought made things better.
Brad's grandmother said bacon cured her breast cancer. Sure she had surgery to remove the cancerous tumor and lymph nodes, had chemotherapy, and even radiation, but she ate bacon everyday and her cancer went away.
Evidence that the bacon made the cancer grow prior to removal would falsify this.
pilt, there's all the evidence you need. JimmyBob says bacon and beer cure cancer. We can safely ignore any and all evidence to the contrary.
If JimmyBob's cancer said to me "that bacon and beer ****ed me up fam." I would have to reject the hypothesis: bacon and beer have no effect on cancer.
Again the reason it is essentially unfalsifiable is because everyone know the direction the drought pushed things, it is absolutely falsifiable if we consider the possibility that the drought made things better.
Everyone knows that someone who is already convinved that climate change played a role in the Syrian civil war despite a lack of evidence will continue to believe it played a role regardless of what the evidence actually says.
Good article about this subject...haven't read the referenced article yet though.

Was watching a program about the Galapagos Islands a few weeks back and I got to thinking about how easily libs/MMGW believers show dead animals in all these types of programs and blame man on their deaths. This particular program showed pictures of Iguanas in various states of decomposition and then blamed it on MMGW. Yet when we talk about abortion none of these same liberals want to show pics of dismembered babies. Very strange.

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