Surprise, surprise, Democrats chose money and voters with their just completed vote.
My guess is they voted no based on the fact it was a complete waste of time, money and energy to do this. Obviously they weren’t trying to shoot down a bill that basically says don’t be mean. More of a principle thing, but who knows, maybe 23 representatives really like hate speech.
OK, I’ll take the bait. What has he said in the article that was intentionally incorrect? (I’m assuming your meaning biased in the sense he is skewering the truth.).My guess is they voted no based on the fact it was a complete waste of time, money and energy to do this. Obviously they weren’t trying to shoot down a bill that basically says don’t be mean. More of a principle thing, but who knows, maybe 23 representatives really like hate speech.
@Ponca Dan That was a ridiculously biased article. That would be like me posting a Ben Shapiro article to prove my argument.
Dan, Glenn is biased (and right) because he is an avowed enemy of the national security state.OK, I’ll take the bait. What has he said in the article that was intentionally incorrect? (I’m assuming your meaning biased in the sense he is skewering the truth.).
Yes, I suppose he is. I took SSS!!!’s use of the word bias to mean intentionally factually incorrect, and therefore not worthy of reflection. Perhaps I misread SSS!!!’s meaning or intention when using the word “biased.”Dan, Glenn is biased (and right) because he is an avowed enemy of the national security state.
First off, I want to state that I don’t really have a side when it comes to Israeli politics. I have researched the I-P conflict and can’t decide which side is right. I honestly don’t think either is, they have both performed evil acts. Second, and back to your question, it’s biased in the sense it only presents one side of the argument. Is anything factually incorrect? I don’t have the time to fact check it. Read the article and you’d think anyone who supports Israel or thinks Ms Omar is out of line, is 100% wrong. I disagree w that. Like I said, I could probably post a Ben Shapiro article the says the exact opposite of that article. It would also be factually correct, but it wouldn’t get us anywhere.Yes, I suppose he is. I took SSS!!!’s use of the word bias to mean intentionally factually incorrect, and therefore not worthy of reflection. Perhaps I misread SSS!!!’s meaning or intention when using the word “biased.”