No. This is what you do to find functional equivalence: go back 4+ years to find something that has nothing to do with any of this. You can't admit that the two biggest stories that drove insta-rage over the withdrawal were both wildly exaggerated at a minimum. Wonder why? Why do you think that is?
The Ukraine phone call? That was pretty much nailed down. We know exactly what happened. A guy kept a contemporaneous memo of the attempted extortion. Then Biff tried to cover it up. Then he refused to turn over any more information. WTF are you proving by bringing up something we know happened with certitude? And was impeachable conduct? Like I'm supposed to say, "Oh yeah, extorting a supposed ally to embarrass a poltical rival wasn't newsworthy, good esample." My God.
Why don't you correct me instead of calling names? Those two were plainly wrong. And they triggered threads and hateful rhetoric and people blamed me for not jumping on board. You could always traffic in facts and have dialogue, ya know. I've never gratutiously attacked you, fwiw. It's a fair question, why the conservative media and you guys went ape shit with stuff that -- once again -- was not true. Why aren't you pissed at the actors that spread the disinformation instead of me?
no, they have no idea. It's unquestionable that everyone had plenty of notice to get out. Just like with hanging a man from a helicopter, and leaving our service dogs to die in their crates, they don't have a damn clue. They have no idea. It's all propaganda. I am under zero obligation to accomodate or base any conversations on propaganda and deliberate, bad faith, lies.
Yes, you did in this thread. That is correct. But when you post 15 times how screwed up the evacuation is, and never acknowledge the fire hose of disinformation and alarmism we've been fed to undermine this withdrawal and generate that exact opinion, and the political will to leave, it really looks like you're part of the effort. Much of the facts you've based your objections to were lies from people that were deliberately manipulating you. Pure propaganda that has been widely outed. I don't see any outrage from anyoone about THAT. (Or the dead Americans before Biden, but that's for another post.)
No, I don't want invective from you or anyone else. Again --- these guys go ape shit if someone acts the way they do. I have never been discourteous or uncivil to anybody that didn't start it with me, Dan.