Gaza Famine Hoax

EZ Reyes

2nd Team
Sep 28, 2023
Santo Padre, CA
Let me begin by saying I hope this is true. Starvation and dehydration are a horrible way to die. That being said can anyone tell me how the food and water are getting to the besieged people? The American pier has broken up, the crossing from Egypt has been totally destroyed by the IDF according to the IDF, and most if not all convoys are being blocked by Israeli cutizens.
Let me begin by saying I hope this is true. Starvation and dehydration are a horrible way to die. That being said can anyone tell me how the food and water are getting to the besieged people? The American pier has broken up, the crossing from Egypt has been totally destroyed by the IDF according to the IDF, and most if not all convoys are being blocked by Israeli cutizens.
Do we know this to be true? Seems like if this were true, we’d have videos and pictures of emaciated children and stacks of corpses, like we did in Ethiopia, and after the Holocaust (the REAL holocaust). Your Gaza famine is a hoax much like global warming, covid, republican fAsCiSm, and various other fake “crises”.
It's really twisted how you guys celebrate humans dying in any form, by any means, at anyone's hands.

Do you have these discussions in-person, at the dinner table?
Wouldn't be discussing it at all if Dan doesn't continually start these threads.
Wouldn't be discussing it at all if Dan doesn't continually start these threads.
I know Ponca starts lots of attention seeking threads to rile you guys up.

What percentage accuracy do you think this article on "Gaza Famine Hoax" is?
Are you thinking that Palestinians in Gaza are NOT going hungry?
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I know Ponca starts lots of attention seeking threads to rile you guys up.

What percentage accuracy do you think this article on "Gaza Famine Hoax" is?
Are you thinking that Palestinians in Gaza are NOT going hungry?
No idea. I'm sure there is hardship in an active war zone. But nothing like a famine as being claimed. The TV would be plastered with dead, starving bodies if that were truly the case.
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No idea. I'm sure there is hardship in an active war zone. But nothing like a famine as being claimed. The TV would be plastered with dead, starving bodies if that were truly the case.
Hmmm.... IDF controls the borders of Gaza - who goes in, who goes out - except for the Arabic "insurgents".
Are you by chance scanning any of the Arabic news agencies?
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I don't care enough to do that. Feel free to enlighten me if you have evidence of mass starvation in Gaza.

Sounds like you're a "sound bite" guy, just like Ponca. Just grabbing sound bites from different sources.

IDF starving Palestinians or Hamas murdering Jews or whatever the latest Old Testament eye-for-an-eye happenings might be simply isn't my fight nor my focus, nor a fight I want to fund on either side.

What is very perplexing is why you guys RELISH in people dying. Relish with a religious fervor.

What I find myself questioning is when, say Ponca, drags the discussion into the toilet bowl. Why would I go there with him?
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I know Ponca starts lots of attention seeking threads to rile you guys up.

What percentage accuracy do you think this article on "Gaza Famine Hoax" is?
Are you thinking that Palestinians in Gaza are NOT going hungry?
They voted in Hamas let them suffer the consequences. See Nazi Germany after WW2. We are always told Elections have consequences.
People here are going hungry, no outrage on here about that. Meh
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They voted in Hamas let them suffer the consequences. See Nazi Germany after WW2. We are always told Elections have consequences.
People here are going hungry, no outrage on here about that. Meh
It's one thing to not wander around "outraged".
It's completely another to stomp around celebrating people dying, starving, being killed. And what's most twisted is none of you guys are Palestinian or Israeli yet you've taken on a genocidal religious extermination fervor. Twisted...
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It's one thing to not wander around "outraged".
It's completely another to stomp around celebrating people dying, starving, being killed. And what's most twisted is none of you guys are Palestinian or Israeli yet you've taken on a genocidal religious extermination fervor. Twisted...
Who is celebrating? These people need to learn to get along but its been going on for centuries and will likely never end and yep we are always dragged down into it.footing the bill. **** em.
Jordanians belong in Jordan. Egyptians belong in Egypt. Palestinians were Jews in the British Mandate.

Palestinian flag, 1924

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