3 1/2 years later?

Democrats must think people are stupid. That border bill wasn't a solution for illegal immigration, it perpetuated it.
Democrats must think people are stupid. That border bill wasn't a solution for illegal immigration, it perpetuated it.
Most democratic voters put their politics above their country, so they are fine with the illegals streaming in cause they think that supports their politics. They aren't stupid, they know it's crippling America, they just don't care cause it helps their politics. That doesn't make them stupid, it makes them evil.

And then you have the more radical Trump haters who don't really care cause they think if they can get rid of Trump then they can kill MAGA and run a 'traditional' conservative candidate next time.

That leaves the rest of us sane voters who put our country first to back people like Trump, Tulsi, RFK JR and Ramek who are actually pushing back against the corruption.

Let's hope we have enough sane ones left to shepherd this country through the next few years. It's about to get VERY scary.

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