Fvck Brittney Griner

When Harry met Jonny…

Harold and Squade…

These sequels are terribly written so far. Currently in turn-around??? #Disappointed

carry on
talking point post-neoconservative word salad.

Sad, pathetic and predictable all in one. Do better…these Klanesque defense mechanisms are typical of you…speaking of the south…

DeSan…tisk tisk…

carry on
Not a defense mechanism. I’m just not going to put much credence in you telling me what I think.

Carry on, turd channeler.
That flag is the Battle Flag of the Confederacy. A symbol of what the Confederacy stood for. It was also part of the national flag of the Confederacy from 1863-1865. The Confederacy, which included this in their constitution:

"No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed." (Article I, Section 9)

"The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States; and shall have the right of transit and sojourn in any State of this Confederacy, with their slaves and other property; and the right of property in said slaves shall not be thereby impaired." (Article IV, Section 2)

Go ahead, tell us how this isn't racist or oppressive.

Not to mention how this flag was used by racists during the Civil Rights era. But I guess you think that doesn't matter too, huh?🙄
It is neither racist or oppressive. When I was growing up, rebel flags were sold along side tie dye shirts at beach shops all along the gulf coast. Had nothing to do with racism or oppression. All about being rebellious. Now it’s mainly about telling effeminate men such as yourself to go pound sand.

The racism and oppression fallacy is just another example of leftists constantly looking for ways to condemn their opposition, because their own ideas consistently fail.
It is neither racist or oppressive. .
Of course it is a symbol for both. That is part of what the Confederacy was about after all.

When I was growing up, rebel flags were sold along side tie dye shirts at beach shops all along the gulf coast.
So what?

Nazi flags were once common place in Germany. Didn't mean that flag didn't represent certain ideals though.
When Harry met Jonny…

Harold and Squade…

These sequels are terribly written so far. Currently in turn-around??? #Disappointed

carry on
What your band should be aiming for with that lady vocals. Learn the banjo Clinton. Let me know when to collect the 10%. I can make you famous well not you but the chick.

What your band should be aiming for with that lady vocals. Learn the banjo Clinton. Let me know when to collect the 10%. I can make you famous well not you but the chick.

She’s a great singer, and so is the Okra girl, but these folk groups with a high pitch female lead have become as generic and repetitive as the Muzak piped into the typical TexMex restaurant.
What your band should be aiming for with that lady vocals. Learn the banjo Clinton. Let me know when to collect the 10%. I can make you famous well not you but the chick.

Some of their early sound will be there, but things change when you add a drummer and it will be noticeable as we drop more stuff.

To pigeonhole us into a folk band will be natural early on here, but the evolution with a true rhythm section, and an electric guitar and keys will be easy to pick up on.

Stay tuned…
That flag is the Battle Flag of the Confederacy. A symbol of what the Confederacy stood for. It was also part of the national flag of the Confederacy from 1863-1865. The Confederacy, which included this in their constitution:

"No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed." (Article I, Section 9)

"The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States; and shall have the right of transit and sojourn in any State of this Confederacy, with their slaves and other property; and the right of property in said slaves shall not be thereby impaired." (Article IV, Section 2)

Go ahead, tell us how this isn't racist or oppressive.

Not to mention how this flag was used by racists during the Civil Rights era. But I guess you think that doesn't matter too, huh?🙄
Well just look at like you do gender, people that fly the Confederate flag identify as proud southerners. If you believe kids can switch genders merely by claiming so surely you can do the same for people that identify as proud southerners. After all, you want to be consistent don't you?
Well just look at like you do gender, people that fly the Confederate flag identify as proud southerners. If you believe kids can switch genders merely by claiming so surely you can do the same for people that identify as proud southerners. After all, you want to be consistent don't you?

Did people waving rainbow flags ever fight and kill actual patriotic Americans for their proclaimed rights to own slaves?

Twist that logic pretzel trying to morally equivocate. Should be a hoot
Well just look at like you do gender, people that fly the Confederate flag identify as proud southerners. If you believe kids can switch genders merely by claiming so surely you can do the same for people that identify as proud southerners. After all, you want to be consistent don't you?
Depends on the mood that morning. They are confused folk afterall. 😂
Did people waving rainbow flags ever fight and kill actual patriotic Americans for their proclaimed rights to own slaves?

Twist that logic pretzel trying to morally equivocate. Should be a hoot
Did any of those flying the Confederate Flag today own slaves our kill anyone?

It's not a big deal either way to me, I'm from Texas but i do know several people from Georgia that are very proud Southerners that do fly the flag. To them it has nothing to do with the Civil War it's about Southern pride. Who are you to tell them what they think or how they feel. Isn't that your leftist viewpoint on the gender freaks? Wouldn't want to be a hypocrite would you?
Did any of those flying the Confederate Flag today own slaves our kill anyone?

It's not a big deal either way to me, I'm from Texas but i do know several people from Georgia that are very proud Southerners that do fly the flag. To them it has nothing to do with the Civil War it's about Southern pride. Who are you to tell them what they think or how they feel. Isn't that your leftist viewpoint on the gender freaks? Wouldn't want to be a hypocrite would you?
Earned folks not wantin their hard working share takin from their families, for the sake of politics brother, imo. Shit britches and crusty nanshees policies are ruining the hard working folk that have made our country great imo. All the while stuffing their pockets.