You need to have a minimum time agreement or he'll try to pay you for only the 8 minutes of time you actually spoke out of the 4 hours you had to be there. He's not known as shysterkine for nithing.450$ an hour for expert witness testimony
You need to have a minimum time agreement or he'll try to pay you for only the 8 minutes of time you actually spoke out of the 4 hours you had to be there. He's not known as shysterkine for nithing.450$ an hour for expert witness testimony
You need to have a minimum time agreement or he'll try to pay you for only the 8 minutes of time you actually spoke out of the 4 hours you had to be there. He's not known as shysterkine for nithing.
You need to have a minimum time agreement or he'll try to pay you for only the 8 minutes of time you actually spoke out of the 4 hours you had to be there. He's not known as shysterkine for nithing.
Travel and per diem?
You had me up until that fascist minimum wage. I want the average of Seattle and San Fran’s min wage.
I don't know man. That Shasta offer is hard to say no to. Plus, the medivan might have bags of prescription drugs that were accidentally left in it available for your own personal clinical trials.You had me up until that fascist minimum wage. I want the average of Seattle and San Fran’s min wage.
Atta boy-- hold out for your real worth.
I make the best negotiations