Former Twitter Legal Chief Admits Extended Lock Down On New York Post Was A Mistake

Which one is about Trump's golden showers?
Nice move, David, attempting to take the focus off Twitter’s collaboration with the surveillance state and put it on a totally immaterial thing like a debunked pee tape. Stick to that, buddy! Whatever you do don’t talk about how left leaning Twitter committed treason against left wing philosophy and joined forces with what had heretofore been considered political evil by anyone who considered himself to be a leftist. Hell, that would be a painful exploration of your own psyche, so by all means divert attention away from the subject and onto something you can be smug and snide about. After all, being smug and snide is about all you’ve got going for you. Hang onto that with all you’ve got!
Does the data support the belief that Twitter leaned/leans left?


apparatchik talking points smashed again

  • Haha
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I wonder how bad the screeching from the left would be if Twitter suspended the NyTimes, NBCNews, and 538 somewhere around Mid-October next year.

I bet all those "but they are a private company and can do what they want" folks would be the first to cry.
I wonder how bad the screeching from the left would be if Twitter suspended the NyTimes, NBCNews, and 538 somewhere around Mid-October next year.

I bet all those "but they are a private company and can do what they want" folks would be the first to cry.
You heard the knuckleheads screeching over TikTok? Heelarious.

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