Food For Thought From Matt Taibbi

Russia doesn’t want bloodshed.

The Ukraine certainly doesn’t.

The only noise about war is being generated from the Five Eyes gang.
LOL they should take their military home then. Leave and no bloodshed.


MAGA hearts Putin. THe clumsy talking points..... "Oh Russia wants peace, they're just flexing to invade Ukraine because they don't want bloodshed."

GD dude, at least try.
To this point what naked aggression has Russia promulgated?
But Russia is responding to American/NATO aggression with the same defiance that America had when the USSR attempted to put missiles in Cuba.
Again, does Putin getting to dictate to Ukraine and the rest of the world what Ukraine, a sovereign state, can and cannot do? And if so, how does this attitude by Putin not make him directly responsible for what is occurring?
LOL they should take their military home then. Leave and no bloodshed.


MAGA hearts Putin. THe clumsy talking points..... "Oh Russia wants peace, they're just flexing to invade Ukraine because they don't want bloodshed."

GD dude, at least try.

The difference between your opinion and mine is I have an informed opinion.

You’re just playing cheerleader.
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Also, Ukraine isn't NATO. It's basic, fundamental principle that one sovereign doesn't get to tell another one who they can affiliate with.
Wait for it the response that is sure to come to this.

3,2,1 . . .
The difference between your opinion and mine is I have an informed opinion.

You’re just playing cheerleader.

It took me a minute to figure it out, but the #failcult is still red-assed at Ukraine and wants Putin to finally get that big victory.

My money is that he takes Ukraine, so don't worry, you guys will be ecstatic.
It took me a minute to figure it out, but the #failcult is still red-assed at Ukraine and wants Putin to finally get that big victory.

My money is that he takes Ukraine, so don't worry, you guys will be ecstatic.

Your perception of the situation is why Biden was removed from the process.

That should tell you something, it won’t, but it should.
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Oh hell you're just buying any casus belli they put out there! We can offensively destroy them from silos in the heartland or submarines in the baltic, or a bomber releasing a missile from any number of places. The same concerns about geography and nukes from 1962 really aren't in play here. Well, of course unless Putin says they are and you believe it.

Also, Ukraine isn't NATO. It's basic, fundamental principle that one sovereign doesn't get to tell another one who they can affiliate with.

Your mental gymnastics to defend Putin and his malevolence, and condemn the U.S., is pretty amazing. It's almost like you're for Putin's territorial ambitions and peace is secondary. I agree we shouldn't start shooting in this, but your appeasement/pro-Putin position is confounding. You thundering about limited government and individuality and corruption and then you pooh pooh THIS GUY's aggression? Hell you don't even admit he's being aggressive, lol. I don't know what's in your head.
You’re arguing against what you want to hear, not what I’m saying. Putin is a bad guy, always has been, always will be. But he has shown no territorial ambition. As it was pointed out in the lecture you stubbornly refuse to listen to, he might be territorially aggressive if he thought he could be, but he doesn’t have the juice and knows it, so he isn’t. One nuclear armed superpower granting another nuclear armed superpower the same leeway on demanding a buffer zone is not appeasement. It’s common sense, something America’s war hungry elite fail to understand.

No, Ukraine is not in NATO. It’s the aggressive attempt by the US to put them into NATO so it can install military bases and missile sites on Russia’s border that is the reason for all the strife. Does your principle that one nation should not get to dictate to another nation also apply to the US telling Germany it will not allow it to buy natural gas from Russia?
As I stated above...

Wait for it the response that is sure to come to this.

3,2,1 . . .
And @Ponca Dan never disappoints . . .
Does your principle that one nation should not get to dictate to another nation also apply to the US telling Germany it will not allow it to buy natural gas from Russia?
Right on schedule.

Tell me Dan, do you agree with the US telling Germany what to do about natural gas and Russia?

Also, again, does Putin getting to dictate to Ukraine and the rest of the world what Ukraine, a sovereign state, can and cannot do? And if so, how does this attitude by Putin not make him directly responsible for what is occurring?
But he has shown no territorial ambition. As it was pointed out in the lecture you stubbornly refuse to listen to, he might be territorially aggressive if he thought he could be, but he doesn’t have the juice and knows it, so he isn’t.

So... he isn't going to invade Ukraine?
So... he isn't going to invade Ukraine?
From Russian perspective we have been told there will be no invasion unless the US continues its intent to bring Ukraine into NATO, at which the Russian perspective would call it a defensive move, not aggression.
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From Russian perspective we have been told there will be no invasion unless the US continues its intent to bring Ukraine into NATO, at which the Russian perspective would call it a defensive move, not aggression.
Well, that plainly seems like an infringement on Ukraine's right to associate with whom they want. What justifies violating their sovereignty based on who they ally with?
Well, that plainly seems like an infringement on Ukraine's right to associate with whom they want. What justifies violating their sovereignty based on who they ally with?
The US government is trying to have it both ways. It insists it can impose any burden on any country it wants, whether it be the Monroe Doctrine in our hemisphere or bossing around our European allies that are part of NATO, such as telling Germany it can't buy natural gas from Russia. Germany is a sovereign country is it not? The American government has turned into a bully of gigantic proportions. It has lied to Russia repeatedly, such as promising there would be no NATO advancement ONE INCH to the east if Russia would agree to unify Germany. The ink wasn't even dry before NATO advanced into former USSR countries. And Russia didn't do anything about it because it wasn't strong enough to resist the illegal advancement. You keep talking about Russian designs to gain territory. Tell me what territory Putin has swallowed up. Where around the world will we find Russian military installations? Now do the same thing with the USA.
You interpret everything I say as "defense" of Russia, because that's what you want to hear. But what I'm telling you is it is our government that is in the wrong this time. And our government's hubris might very well get the planet destroyed. Over what? Ukraine? As the professor in the lecture you cowardly refuse to listen to says, Ukraine means nothing to the US, but it is a hill Russia is very much willing to die on (and take out us as well). Why are we so willing to start a war over Ukraine? And now I'm done. If you won't watch the lecture there's really no more point in our talking about it.
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The US government is trying to have it both ways. It insists it can impose any burden on any country it wants, whether it be the Monroe Doctrine in our hemisphere or bossing around our European allies that are part of NATO, such as telling Germany it can't buy natural gas from Russia. Germany is a sovereign country is it not? The American government has turned into a bully of gigantic proportions. It has lied to Russia repeatedly, such as promising there would be no NATO advancement ONE INCH to the east if Russia would agree to unify Germany. The ink wasn't even dry before NATO advanced into former USSR countries. And Russia didn't do anything about it because it wasn't strong enough to resist the illegal advancement. You keep talking about Russian designs to gain territory. Tell me what territory Putin has swallowed up. Where around the world will we find Russian military installations? Now do the same thing with the USA.
You interpret everything I say as "defense" of Russia, because that's what you want to hear. But what I'm telling you is it is our government that is in the wrong this time. And our government's hubris might very well get the planet destroyed. Over what? Ukraine? As the professor in the lecture you cowardly refuse to listen to says, Ukraine means nothing to the US, but it is a hill Russia is very much willing to die on (and take out us as well). Why are we so willing to start a war over Ukraine? And now I'm done. If you won't watch the lecture there's really no more point in our talking about it.

If Russia invades Ukraine, is that right or wrong?

You're harder on your own government than Russia. It's like you're an extension of Putin's PR people.
The US government is trying to have it both ways. It insists it can impose any burden on any country it wants, whether it be the Monroe Doctrine in our hemisphere or bossing around our European allies that are part of NATO, such as telling Germany it can't buy natural gas from Russia. Germany is a sovereign country is it not? The American government has turned into a bully of gigantic proportions. It has lied to Russia repeatedly, such as promising there would be no NATO advancement ONE INCH to the east if Russia would agree to unify Germany. The ink wasn't even dry before NATO advanced into former USSR countries. And Russia didn't do anything about it because it wasn't strong enough to resist the illegal advancement. You keep talking about Russian designs to gain territory. Tell me what territory Putin has swallowed up. Where around the world will we find Russian military installations? Now do the same thing with the USA.
You interpret everything I say as "defense" of Russia, because that's what you want to hear. But what I'm telling you is it is our government that is in the wrong this time. And our government's hubris might very well get the planet destroyed. Over what? Ukraine? As the professor in the lecture you cowardly refuse to listen to says, Ukraine means nothing to the US, but it is a hill Russia is very much willing to die on (and take out us as well). Why are we so willing to start a war over Ukraine? And now I'm done. If you won't watch the lecture there's really no more point in our talking about it.
Over Dan's fireplace:

He’s a left-winger. Does that make him a Putin apologist? You decide.

No, but MAGA has been working towards this for a while with corrupt Putin stooge Manafort in the middle of it!

Don't bullshit me, MAGA hearts Putin. He's what they like.