Ferguson Decision Question

Bitter Creek

Heisman Candidate
Apr 24, 2008
Not sure that this is a politics question but, I will ask it here anyway. Could the grand jury find a means to keep holding off on the decision a day at a time, waiting for the protestor energy to begin to subside?

The whole street violence threat is emotion-based and as we all know, holding on to anger or any other strong emotion takes a toll on the person holding it. If they delayed the decision for a week or two, without telling anyone when they expected to have a decision made, all of those busloads of people might eventually begin to thin out as the days go by.
Bitter, I think they will drag it out as long as possible and or wait for a cold Rainey day to announce. Doubt the NG or police are going to stand around and watch stores get looted/burned either. They have probably done some serious intel work and identified the majority of the outside agitators and will scoop them up at the first available moment before things get completely out of hand as well.
When I served on the Dallas County Grand Jury (obviously a different state with different rules) we delayed several cases for many weeks for a variety of reasons. However, we had to complete all cases by the end of our term (3 months) or they had to be refiled when the next Grand Jury convened.
Originally posted by windriverrange:
Bitter, I think they will drag it out as long as possible and or wait for a cold Rainey day to announce. Doubt the NG or police are going to stand around and watch stores get looted/burned either. They have probably done some serious intel work and identified the majority of the outside agitators and will scoop them up at the first available moment before things get completely out of hand as well.
I was going to make a crass comment in my initial post saying that surely the bused-in trouble makers will be expected back at their jobs at some point and therefore the delay could go past the allotted vacation days.
The whole thing would have died down five times over now had the media not had 300 reporter and camera crews for every "protester" that was there.

The city doesn't take care of itself. It's a predominately black town, but has a predominately white police department? The p.d.'s had obvious issues for a while, but I guess nobody gave a shit to change it. Then, they wonder why the have a bad p.d. That town desperately needs leadership.
Gotta give the kids dad credit for asking people to be peaceful and not destroy business ete, and then posting the video. Class act.....
They should announce it on a Sunday when they are all in church.
Given that the Federal government opened its mouth and stated that it would perform a parallel investigation, the local officials should state that they will hold off on any announcements until the Federal review is complete, and let the Feds make a statement/announcement first.

That's actually brilliant as it would shift the politics some parties are certainly wanting to play with this.

Was the DOJ officially involved?
Well that is just awesome. We are heading to St Louis tomorrow for Thanksgiving. Should be exciting.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by CBradSmith:
That's actually brilliant as it would shift the politics some parties are certainly wanting to play with this.

Was the DOJ officially involved?
Good ole Holder stood in front of a Podium and stated they would get involved. That would significantly reduce the racial tensions that are going to explode when the "white" government of Fergeson releases its non-findings.


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