Feminism Today

What is this domination going to do to women’s brains and confidence?

You do realize Mack is a biological female transitioning to male who wanted and tried to wrestle in the boys division but Texas’s genitals before identity bathroom laws prohibited it don’t you?

No....clearly you did not.
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Lol. Crack critical reasoning skills there.

My bet is they didn’t give a crap about the score....because it was a scrimmage...a work on specific win the actual games that actually mattered.

When an entire agenda is based around trying to persuade people that men and women are basically the same (and gender is fluid) — this is narrative busting.


So is this:


And so is this:

When an entire agenda is based around trying to persuade people that men and women are basically the same (and gender is fluid) — this is narrative busting.


So is this:


And so is this:

Lol....yes...15 year old male professional (they get paid to play) academy squad that plays and trains together every single day winning a meaningless scrimmage the squad put together for a friendly with an average age of probably 25 or so definitely busts that narrative. it doesn’t...not at all.

Your last to examples bust their own narratives.

1. One involves a male to female transition competing against females.

2. One involves a female to male transition that wants to compete against males, but isn’t allowed to.

You should be advocating over the second...genitals over identity and whatnot.

Double face palm time.
Make them chromosome based instead of gender or gender identity based. Problem solved.
Mack Beggs is a woman by your definition @NZ Poke...she has lady bits...and you’re all up in arms about her wrestling...women.

Care to explain yourself...maybe with something other than a cut and paste narrative being fed to you by your twitter sphere of choice.
Make them chromosome based instead of gender or gender identity based. Problem solved.

Or maybe hormone based.

I’m not that interested in this whole discussion again though. I’m more interested in having NZ explain his thought process because it seems he’s arguing against himself a trump this point by not even bothering to read his own spam before posting it.

Crack “research” there.
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In the context of all this hyper-feminism, and “what is gender” that’s being pushed down our throats — there’s brand new CDC data.

It’s not good.

And WTF National Geographic?


Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, hysterical spamming....because you want to shout down me establishing you don’t even read or think about what you post before doing so.
It’s just pathetic.

He has become such a useful idiot...and has convinced himself he is one of the enlightened red pillers.
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You’ve been challenged bro-flake. Come back and defend yourself like a manly manly man.
It’s just pathetic.

He has become such a useful idiot...and has convinced himself he is one of the enlightened red pillers.

I don’t claim to know everything — but I do know that a 50% rise in female suicides is not worth glossing over — particularly in the context of everything else.

Obviously, there are various factors at play, including social media.

But women’s happiness levels were declining before social media — there are studies from 2005 ish on this.

So something is happening. I will discuss more this weekend, without posting links, if you will try to be respectful. But now I have to go.
I think most of us believe in equality and understanding, but it is patently unfair for biological boys to compete against biological girls in track. It is really even silly to argue against it.

The US Women’s Soccer team is great. As a father to two teenage girls, I love watching them play. And the women’s team is the best in the world. But against the top 6A/5A high school boys teams in Oklahoma they would have very tough competition. Again, not surprising, just biological differences.
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I don’t claim to know everything — but I know that a 50% rise in female suicides is not worth glossing over — particularly in the context of everything else.

Obviously, there are various factors, including social media.

But women’s happiness levels were declining before social media.

So something is happening. I will discuss more this weekend, without posting links, if you will try to be respectful.’re not punting.

Take some responsibility for the nonsense you spam.

Defend it.

With critical thinking....reason...evaluation.

Truth can’t.

Such the red piller.
I don’t claim to know everything — but I do know that a 50% rise in female suicides is not worth glossing over — particularly in the context of everything else.

Obviously, there are various factors at play, including social media.

But women’s happiness levels were declining before social media — there are studies from 2005 ish on this.

So something is happening. I will discuss more this weekend, without posting links, if you will try to be respectful. But now I have to go.

No you don’t...and no you won’t.

Sac up, broflake. Show you can do something other than cutting and pasting. That is grade school, bro. Try to graduate to using your own brain to analyze issues.

You get the respect you earn, and you haven’t done much to earn any.

As a great man once said...

bro this is thunderdome

the everybody gets a trophy empathy tent board is over there
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Take some responsibility for the nonsense you spam.

Defend it.

With critical thinking....reason...evaluation.

Truth can’t.

Such the red piller.

I will reply this weekend when I can — but nothing I posted is “nonsense” — it’s mainstream news and subject matter.

And you have to stop attacking me so personally and relentlessly.

I actually enjoy our debates, we are a very good intellectual match, and both natural contrarians.

But I literally don’t have time for them any more. To truly debate you, I need extended hours where I can write and write.

I have less time for that now because of career changes and marriage (both positive). So stop being an asshole and I’ll engage with you more. We don’t have to be enemies.

And I don’t need negativity — does anyone? That’s why I don’t really attack anyone personally on here ever. The world is f*** up enough as it is.
I will reply this weekend when I can — but nothing I posted is “nonsense” — it’s mainstream news and subject matter.

And you have to stop attacking me so personally and relentlessly.

I actually enjoy our debates, we are a very good intellectual match, and both natural contrarians.

But I literally don’t have time for them any more. To truly debate you, I need extended hours where I can write and write.

I have less time for that now because of career changes and marriage (both positive). So stop being an asshole and I’ll engage with you more. We don’t have to be enemies.

And I don’t need negativity — does anyone? That’s why I don’t really attack anyone personally on here ever. The world is f*** up enough as it is.

Such a delicate little flower. What happened to the free speech, nothing is out of bounds, all topics on the table guy? Now you need a safe space free of negativity? There are no safe spaces here. Hard pass on that.

I have bad news for you. As long as you engage in this bs cut and paste spamming of this hackneyed, ridiculous, nonsense red pill narrative being fed to you by your twittersphere of choice it’s not gonna go the way you want it to. Whenever you exhibit absolutely zero actual analysis or critical reasoning like you do in your spam fests, I’m gonna point that out if the mood strikes me. When you proclaim yourself a free, deep thinker that does tons of research and thinking about these issues yet the best you can come up a twitter repost....the same one...for the third can bet you’re gonna get some negativity directed at you.

ALL you have done for the last couple of years here is cut and paste other people’s tweets and other people’s memes. Zero original thought of your own. It’s incredibly intellectually lazy, blue pill, willingly ignorant behavior. We’re not enemies. We will never be enemies, but I will damn sure call it out for what it is when and how I like....and you’re no doubt gonna view that as negativity.

Life is hard. Life is unfair. Negativity wil, be encountered during it. Suck it up, buttercup and do better.
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But I literally don’t have time for them any more. To truly debate you, I need extended hours where I can write and write.
If you're well versed in the stuff you post, you shouldn't need extended hours to write and write.
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Speaking of suicide:

"The male suicide rate remains almost four times that for women, and suicide rates for whites are higher and have been climbing faster than those for other racial and ethnic groups."

It has to suck being a white male. Something is wrong with them.
Such a delicate little flower. What happened to the free speech, nothing is out of bounds, all topics on the table guy? Now you need a safe space free of negativity? There are no safe spaces here. Hard pass on that.

I have bad news for you. As long as you engage in this bs cut and paste spamming of this hackneyed, ridiculous, nonsense red pill narrative being fed to you by your twittersphere of choice it’s not gonna go the way you want it to. Whenever you exhibit absolutely zero actual analysis or critical reasoning like you do in your spam fests, I’m gonna point that out if the mood strikes me. When you proclaim yourself a free, deep thinker that does tons of research and thinking about these issues yet the best you can come up a twitter repost....the same one...for the third can bet you’re gonna get some negativity directed at you.

ALL you have done for the last couple of years here is cut and paste other people’s tweets and other people’s memes. Zero original thought of your own. It’s incredibly intellectually lazy, blue pill, willingly ignorant behavior. We’re not enemies. We will never be enemies, but I will damn sure call it out for what it is when and how I like....and you’re no doubt gonna view that as negativity.

Life is hard. Life is unfair. Negativity wil, be encountered during it. Suck it up, buttercup and do better.

This response I respect.

I don’t need a “safe space” free from negativity — f*ck that.

I didn’t exactly mean that, but you’re still giving some good wisdom and hard truths that I respect hearing. (On the life stuff)

On the posting memes and Tweets — it’s a different way of projecting information.

To truly debate you and prove my points — which I can always do — that takes a lot of time.

And my free time for writing has gone down.
@NZ Poke
Just some friendly feedback....
I’ve been on this board a long time and I go in waves from posting very little (like now) to fairly frequently. I still read many of the threads however.
I have found that I completely skip most of your posts when you simply Copy paste tweets and memes. I would much rather read your own thoughts even if they agree with your tweets and memes.

But that’s just me.
@NZ Poke
Just some friendly feedback....
I’ve been on this board a long time and I go in waves from posting very little (like now) to fairly frequently. I still read many of the threads however.
I have found that I completely skip most of your posts when you simply Copy paste tweets and memes. I would much rather read your own thoughts even if they agree with your tweets and memes.

But that’s just me.
@NZ Poke
Just some friendly feedback....
I’ve been on this board a long time and I go in waves from posting very little (like now) to fairly frequently. I still read many of the threads however.
I have found that I completely skip most of your posts when you simply Copy paste tweets and memes. I would much rather read your own thoughts even if they agree with your tweets and memes.

But that’s just me.

Thanks for the feedback.
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This response I respect.

I don’t need a “safe space” free from negativity — f*ck that.

I didn’t exactly mean that, but you’re still giving some good wisdom and hard truths that I respect hearing. (On the life stuff)

On the posting memes and Tweets — it’s a different way of projecting information.

To truly debate you and prove my points — which I can always do — that takes a lot of time.

And my free time for writing has gone down.

“To truly debate you and prove my points — which I can always do — that takes a lot of time. ”

That sounds a whole lot like the very definition of intellectual laziness. Let’s put it this way...You certainly HAVEN’T shown me (and I would contend anyone here) that you ACTUALLY can debate me (or anyone else) OR prove your points. When cornered away from the security of spamming your 4Chan, /pol/, red pill amalgam narrative and into defending your points, you routinely bail on the debate. You’re gonna have to prove that you you contend...a good intellectual match to challenge me.

While pointing out that I’m actually a pretty low intellectual bar to be challenging yourself to (you should aspire to be better than that), you haven’t come close to proving even that at this time. You never will by continuing with your spamming ways.

Sounds like you intend to continue down this path because you are busy....because it’s hard...because it takes time....because it’s hard to think for yourself. Guess what? I’ve got a life wholly separate from this board too. If it’s gonna take hours and hours of writing to respond to these thoughts I dash off on the fly, maybe we aren’t as good of an intellectual match as you think. Maybe cutting and pasting is all you really are capable of doing. That would be disappointing, but at this point it’s a possibility that I have to seriously consider because that is where your actions so far have led me.

Cutting and pasting other people’s memes and tweets is a way of projecting OTHER PEOPLE’S information...someone else’s narrative. When you do it, you are literally adopting/rebroadcasting a narrative metaphorically spoonfed to analysis, no research, no critical reasoning...just rebroadcasting.

The same way you contend social media has made women unhappier (or something like that, it’s hard to express a clear coherent idea in a meme or 240 characters), I contend that social media has generated a group of 4Chan hanging, PePE obsessed zombies who have convinced themselves that are intellectual giants and free thinkers who are part of an elite few that know “the truth”. In fact, those folks are unquestioningly rebroadcasting and regurgitating a very specificly common narrative. The red pill theories and memes you cut and paste are not a sign you are willing to do the hard work and open eyed inquiries in an effort to discover your truth for yourself. It’s an admission that you have swallowed and are aping a different narrative fed to you on now the world works...the bluest of blue pills. Twitter and Facebook and all of it has dumbed down the world, IMO.

You have become that which you mock/hate/decry...a true blue, dyed in the wool, blue piller.
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... I contend that social media has generated a group of 4Chan hanging, PePE obsessed zombies who have convinced themselves that are intellectual giants and free thinkers who are part of an elite few that know “the truth”. In fact, those folks are unquestioningly rebroadcasting and regurgitating a very specificly common narrative.

That is an editorial-quality point. Like Rolling Stone column stuff.

Here's a pseudo-defense of the meme (not nz -- but the meme in general.) The meme is just an extension of our visual addiction and non-existent attention span. A picture has always been worth a thousand words, e.g. political cartoons, don't tread on me flags, flags, bumper stickers, religious symbolism, old fashioned political propaganda, etc. I'll bet you've spent some time working up demonstrative visual exhibits/aids out of deference to that. It is speech distilled to the most efficient and powerful mass communication possible: imagery and symbolism. And anybody with a cell phone is now a king at mass communication.

Why let such a powerful tool be dominated by extremism? No use bitching about the jury. Authoritarians and anti-democratic elements will default to illogical imagery and symbolism every time. You'll NEVER get a square debate with them, why would they? I'm not defending twitter and meme spams on this board, I just think the mode of communication is very effective with some people and it's been coopted by extremists because otherwise smart people find it distasteful. That's not a defense of memes, more of an irrelevant rant about memes and who uses them and who SHOULD use them.
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"The male suicide rate remains almost four times that for women, and suicide rates for whites are higher and have been climbing faster than those for other racial and ethnic groups."

It has to suck being a white male. Something is wrong with them.

@NZ Poke ? Four times higher? What is the answer for white men having so many suicides? Maybe there's a correlation between men that strive for toxic masculinity and depression?
You do realize Mack is a biological female transitioning to male who wanted and tried to wrestle in the boys division but Texas’s genitals before identity bathroom laws prohibited it don’t you?

No....clearly you did not.

He? Is also loaded up with testosterone and other androgenic compounds, to assist transition. It is not a fair fight. Probably wouldn’t be fair the other way either. That’s what’s so effed up about the whole thing.
He? Is also loaded up with testosterone and other androgenic compounds, to assist transition. It is not a fair fight. Probably wouldn’t be fair the other way either. That’s what’s so effed up about the whole thing.

Yes, he. I choose to respect people’s preferred pronoun choices. It’s pretty easy, and costs me nothing.

NZ Poke posted that while making the argument that boys transitioning to girls and competing against girls is doing damage to girls. He is a genitals are destiny kind of guy. I posted what I did not as a commentary on an ultimate solution/answer. I posted it to show he hadn’t even bothered to analyze in anyway...likely didn’t even read the details. For a genitals is destiny kinda guy, Mack is a girl competing against girls.

Mack wants to compete against the males because he is transitioning to male and gender identifies as male. Texas and its “it’s all about what is between your legs” law won’t allow it. The solution or answer to how we as a society are going to deal with transsexuals/transitional transsexuals/intersex individuals is complicated and not subject to easy answers.
Yes, he. I choose to respect people’s preferred pronoun choices. It’s pretty easy, and costs me nothing.

NZ Poke posted that while making the argument that boys transitioning to girls and competing against girls is doing damage to girls. He is a genitals are destiny kind of guy. I posted what I did not as a commentary on an ultimate solution/answer. I posted it to show he hadn’t even bothered to analyze in anyway...likely didn’t even read the details. For a genitals is destiny kinda guy, Mack is a girl competing against girls.

Mack wants to compete against the males because he is transitioning to male and gender identifies as male. Texas and its “it’s all about what is between your legs” law won’t allow it. The solution or answer to how we as a society are going to deal with transsexuals/transitional transsexuals/intersex individuals is complicated and not subject to easy answers.

No doubt. As I stated it’s not fair either way.
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JD: out of humility and respect, and a lot of years on this board, I'm happy to debate on here with different style (and again, I never got into vicious personal attacks with anyone -- not my deal).

I feel like the overwhelming majority of people on here are good dudes, family men etc, lots of successful and very smart people , and of course, mostly OSU people and Okies and Americans. Good stuff that ties all of us together.

But I digress...

Other than a few memes that included some incorrect data, and a shadowy meme that you bring up (that I truly didn't see and wouldn't have posted if I did) -- im not backing away from anything I've posted.

And yes, I do think there’s some sick and degenerate shit happening that’s being engineered and glamorized — especially with the transgender stuff, but other things too.

As I posted elsewhere, i spent most of the last two decades in very liberal cities, by choice. The transgender promotion stuff came out of nowhere, as did the gender neutral bathrooms.
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Mack wants to compete against the males because he is transitioning to male and gender identifies as male. Texas and its “it’s all about what is between your legs” law won’t allow it. The solution or answer to how we as a society are going to deal with transsexuals/transitional transsexuals/intersex individuals is complicated and not subject to easy answers.
I would hope a starting point would be an agreement that in athletic events, that require strength, height, and athleticism is an advantage, that everyone agrees we should not disadvantage girls.

If an individual wants to transition, that is their choice. But ...
1) a male transitioning to a female should not compete against high school girls. The CT track results are a perfect example as to how that is patently unfair to other girls.
2) a female transitioning to a male, and undergoing hormone therapy, should not compete against high school girls. In this case, testosterone is a major PED. In the TX example, Mack has a huge chemical advantage over the girls he wrestled.

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