FBI Had Informant In January 6th Crowd


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

Proving what any rational thinking person with common sense already knew.

For the life of me I can not understand why leftist seem to enjoy being thought of as stupid and easily manipulated by Democrats and the MSM. I can't say I blame the powers that be for thinking people are stupid and easily manipulated, they've been doing to for years and the leftist eat it up.
I never understood why those on the left kept saying that Trump could walk out on main street, murder someone in cold blood and his supporters wouldn't say a word. It finally dawned on me why they said that, it's what they would do and how they think. I guess I'm a little slow to come around to thinking so lowly of our fellow countrymen sometimes, but I'm learning quickly.
Had to know they did via their lame ass excuse as to why they didn't want to release video......"could jeopardize national security." No accountability for the left, left's enablers (yes you FBI) and the libcomdems. Can't say I really blame them though, media donates and votes for them at about a 92% clip, so holding you neighbors and lovers accountable isn't in their DNA.

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