Favorite OSU wrestlers


Heisman Candidate
Sep 21, 2002
Just for fun, I thought it might be fun to find out everyone's top three or five OSU wrestlers. There is no criteria for this, other than they are your favorites for whatever reason you select.

I'll start off with a couple of mine:

1. Yojiro Uetake - Considered one of the greatest all-time wrestlers, I never got to see him wrestle but have ben regaled with stories about his abilities and persona since I was little. A 3X NCAA champ as well as a 2X Olympic Champion, it was his mild-mannered character that makes him one of my favorites.

2. Alan Fried - One of the first wrestling matches my wife ever watched was Alan Fried's. It was his intensity and style that made her a wrestling fan, which endeared her to me even more. A hot chick who likes what I like? It was a match made in heaven. Plus, anyone that pinned Tom Brands in under a minute...a winner in my book.

3. Mark Branch - Talk about your all-time confidence...entered the 1994 NCAA tournament with a losing record and ended up beating all-comers. Handily beat the #2, 7, and 6 seeds on the way to winning it all Three more times he'd make the finals, winning it all again his senior year after a disappointing injury in the finals the previous year. I had Mark in class (French history or something, I think) and he was always nice to me and answered my questions about wrestling without making me feel like the star-crossed fan I was.
1. John Smith....watched him gut out an amazing win against Jordan in my freshman year and was instantly made a die hard fan. I wrestled one year in high school and was relatively new to the sport and that match hooked me. Then he went on to make himself the best wrestler in the world right before my eyes....incredible.

2. Chris Pendleton....grew from a 149 lber nobody heard of to the most dominant wrestler in the sport including making it look easy to beat Askern on a regular basis even though I am sure it wasnt.

3. Zac Esposito....he tried every offensive move in his arsenal every match it seemed like. Extremely fun to watch even though he only nabbed one title and I wish our wrestlers would watch some tape of him and adapt his style. Excellent defense but rarely had to use it cause he was always on offense.

4. Pat Smith....what can you say...just awesome in all phases and another one that was extremely fun to watch.
This is actually tough! Let me think about it...but my favorites to chose from are;

John Smith
Pat Smith
Chris Pendleton
Eric Guerrero
Johnny Thompson
Johny Hendricks
Jordan Oliver
Tyrone Lewis
Great topic. So many to choose from…

Chris Barnes - Big guy with the technical skills and motor
of a little guy. Didn't get taken down in his senior year. He, Couture, and
Mammen made up maybe the best top end in OSU history.

Eric Guerrero - Ferocious and hot tempered at times.
Heartbreaking when he didn't medal at the Olympics.

Alan Gelogaev - Dude never gets mentioned, but he was maybe
the most entertaining HWT that I can remember. A backward singlet and a fatal
slip against Nelson in the semis and we win it in 2013.

Johny Hendricks - As far as entertainment value goes, don't
know if there was any better than Hendricks. Decent wrestler too.
When I was a kid the Keller twins, Fujita, and Ray Murphy were my hero's

As a teen LeeRoy Smith, who made me realize I was a better baseball player than wrestler

As an adult I loved watching Shane Roller, never knew what he was going to do Shane don't do that...oh ok I guess that worked..

And Johny Hendricks, the Churella match is forever burned into my memory, he knew he screwed up at the end of that second period and he clapped his hands together, went to work, and proceeded to make one of the greatest comebacks in NCAA history!
1. Johnny Thompson
2. Hendricks
3. Rosholt
4. Roller
5. Brett Munson (not kidding here....not sure anyone else would stick around to have to wrestle Tyrone and Pendleton every day)

And yes, I only started really following OSU wrestling in about 2001.
Kenny Monday: Lightning is a singlet. Shot from guns. Flair, excitement, moves you had to see in slow motion.

John Smith: True Grit

Mike Sheets: In a scramble, he comes out on top. Then he begins to turn you, and you want the match to be over.

Dick Beattie: Is it true that, his senior year, nobody rode him longer than eight seconds?

Ricky Stewart: A fireman's fireman.

Oh wait, I can't do this! So many! Yojiro. The Kellers. Thomas "Snake" Landrum. Jimmy Jackson (for what he did to Kalkbrenner) Chris Pendleton (so smooth, such slick moves), Branch. Jake Rosholt. Pat Smith. Chris Perry. Kendall "Choir Boy" Cross. Chris Barnes. Eric Wais. Ron Clinton. Fujita. Oliver. So many legends! Just five? I can't possibly make a list that short. Monasmith's Miracle! Z! Eric's G's energy! Myron Roderick! Cormier! Fried!
Mike Sheets by far my favorite. Talk about dominant in every position but especially on top. Ronnie Clinton the ultimate takedown artist. Mark McCracken as he was the first OSU wrestler I ever watched as it was bedlam in 1960 and I had never seen a wrestling match before it. I was hooked from the start. Other favorites include Bob Johnson who went up two weights to win a national championship-He was a 157 pounder and we had National champions with Phil Kinyon at 157 and Ronnie Clinton at 167 so he went up to 177 and won. A lot more.
The Keller twins, Uetake, Joe James at heavyweight, All four of he Smith brothers.
This post was edited on 12/21 5:42 PM by oberebo
Mark Munoz.

1x NCAA Champ (think he got cheated out of another one his junior year) ...

But the most humble, soft-spoken bad-ass you will ever meet. Such a nice guy, but a manimal on the mat.
I am going to leave off John Smith, because he really needs to be nobody's favorite. He was America's favorite, so he has to sit my list out. I will say though, that I worked on his technique quite a bit when I Wrestled.

I am going to leave Pat off, but it's just because I really don't have a ton of memories watching him.

1. Z - You never knew what he was going to throw, but you almost knew he was going to throw. I think his Wrestling is good for the Sport and he was a blast to watch.

2. Pendleton - Slick, slick and then slick! He was a ton of fun to watch, and was also good for the Sport.

3. Tyrone - He holds a spot because he is one of the most talented to never win IT. The guy was great, and is a real life comeback story. I just loved watching him.

4. Oliver - Screwed out of being a 3xer, but he fits with Pendleton. Slick as it gets.

5. Thompson - Just mean! Great guy (towards me anyway) and the entire Gym knew what he was going to attempt...and he got it anyway.
Tyrone Lewis
Chris Pendleton
Zach Esposito
Johnny Hendricks
Jordan Oliver

I can only comment from 1998 on, but I think this could be taken to a different level.

Wrestlers that brought new fans to the matches

Mo Lawal with his jump before every match
Steve Mocco with his stare down
Zach Esposito with his funk and finesse
Hendricks definitely with his fighter like attitude
Ronnie Delk- always seemed to wrestle with the most heart. always the underdog. It seemed every time he wrestled Teyon Ware, He always took him the distance
Ronnie Delk.....yes. Pretty sure he tossed a Michigan State kid about 15 feet in the air to his back. Forgot who that was.
Jimmy Jackson...complete domination. Fear in the opponent's eyes.
Kenny Monday....explosive
Jordan Oliver...slick
Kendal Cross....gumby....the real funkmeister, not Askren

Z.....entertaining when opponents would tie up, a little boring when they ran. A must watch to see if he could take them on a ride.
John Smith.....more subtle domination
Thomas Landrum....the snake for the pin.
Mike Sheets....described above.
Johnny Hendricks....extra helping of attitude
Chris Barnes...finished up totally dominating and scoring a lot for a bigger weight.

Guerrero, Pendleton, Fried, Wais, P. Smith, Branch, etc. offensive wrestlers
I'm old, going back to 1961 with some gaps along the way, but from those I have seen, here are the ones this non-wrestler has most enjoyed watching:

1. Steve Barrett - the first 4-time Big 8 champion - lots of action in matches which often saw both wrestlers score double-digit offensive points.
2. Chris Pendleton - another Californian, he won me over in his first Big 12 tourney. That he owned Askren helps.
3. Joe James - Small heavyweight, but what a physique. Strong, agile, and just a little bit mean.
4. Jordan Oliver - someone earlier said it best, "slick." and explosive.
5. Alex Dieringer -he has a chance to be pretty good before he's through.

Honorable mention: the takedown twins from 1961 Clinton and Johnson, Jimmy Jackson, Johnny Thompson, Ronnie Ray.
I only got to see Uetake once, in a Big 8 tournament - he made it look too easy. I had a class with Hatta boys, so they have to be on my list.
oldwx, Steve Barrett also happens to be high on my list. His matches were always highly exciting. Ron Ray with his patented Fireman's carry was also exciting. Chris Pendleton and Johnny Thompson also high on my list and of course we agree about Ronnie Clinton and Bob Johnson in the early 1960's.
1. Yoshiro Fujita - Would've been a two time NCAA Champion. Only loss at OSU came to Howard Foxx from Cincinnati in 1st round of '72 NCAAs, Fujita separated his shoulder and had to default. Foxx was coached by Stan Abel. Closest match was a 6-3 decision over future Nat'l Champ Milkovich from Mich. St. Usually would beat opponents with superior decision. He won fame by beating Yojiro Uetake in Japan.

2. Jimmy Jackson - Three time NCAA champion. Had some great matches with Larry Bielenberg from Oregon State. If it came down to the Hwt. match, we knew who would win the dual. Untouchable his senior year.

3. Jordan Oliver - Should've been a three time champ, got screwed in finals his junior year. Had both feet secured. Nothing like watching the "Oliver Twist."

4. Mike Sheets - Just came out and dominated opponents. Tough as hell. two time champ, but lost in ot to Dave Shultz or would've been a three time champ.

5. Pat Smith - Dominant wreslter. Tough and would put the fear of God in his opponents. Saw him rip the fire out of Iowa wrestlers. First four-time champ.

Honorable mention - Steve Barret, Mark Branch, Chris Perry, Alex Dierenger, Keller brothers, Geoff Baum
Mike Sheets - 7,2,1,1; 1st class all around. If he were wrestling today I believe he would chosen top when it was his choice and to heck with the point. Remember, Mike Sheets is to the Tech fall as Bob Kurland is to goaltending.

Alan Fried - 2,2,1; Mr. intensity. Wish he could have gutting one more win from Brands. Took a major hit for the team. Nothing but respect.

Chris Pendleton - 3,1,1; Mike Sheets without the leg ride. The total package. Great on his feat with lots of moves (inside trip, lateral drop, fireman's), great on the mat (everything but the leg ride), great in a scramble (came out on top in most of his scrambles with Asscream). Should have been at least one time OW if not two. Screwed out of his 3rd.

Jake Rosholt - 1,3,1,1; Christ Pendleton on 'roids. Almost as good as Chris on his feet with lots of unique moves. Excess weight cutting cost him his 4th the way it did Thompson and Oliver their 3rd's. Should have been OW as frosh.

Eric Wais - 4,2,1; Pure brutality with a massive dose of crossface. Missed his 2nd due to a season ending knee injury (don't know why he didn't get a hardship)
Japancowboy, your list included Chris Barnes who does not get enough credit in my book as one of the outstanding Cowboy wrestlers. He was a National champion in 1989 and 1990 and was the outstanding wrestler in the 1990 tournament when he defeated Marty Morgan of Minnesota in the finals. Chris had a herky-jerky style of wrestling that confounded his opponents and he was great fun to watch. First saw Chris Barnes in 1984 at Junior duals in Cedar Falls where he won the championship. (I was there to watch Micco Ober who was 2-2 at 141 pounds). Chris would definitely make my top ten list as favorite wrestlers to watch.
Lee Roy Smith
John Smith
Kenny Monday
Jordan Oliver
Mike Sheets

Even us guys from Illinois can appreciate a good cowboy! :)

You guys have had some real gems and some of the monsters of the sport.