Explaining Trump’s Economic (And Dangerous) Ignorance

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
In what way is this highly decorated free market economist in error?
If this guy were the free market economist he claims to be he would be talking about every country that trades with the US. In his mind tariffs are great when US goods are tariffed yet if the US dares to think about placing tariffs on another country tariffs are bad. free trade is great when it's actually free trade.
If this guy were the free market economist he claims to be he would be talking about every country that trades with the US. In his mind tariffs are great when US goods are tariffed yet if the US dares to think about placing tariffs on another country tariffs are bad. free trade is great when it's actually free trade.
Did you read the article?
Did you read the article?
Yes, I disagree with your article. I say tariff the shit out of countries that steal our jobs with their all but slave labor and take advantage of our economy. We are the largest consumer economy in the world, other countries want access to that economy there is a price to pay, just like they do our companies doing business in other countries. American companies do not want their products tariffed produce them in the US, otherwise their products will be tariffed. Protects US workers, enhances our national security and secures our economic future. Of course their is always another way, fair trade.
Yes, I disagree with your article. I say tariff the shit out of countries that steal our jobs with their all but slave labor and take advantage of our economy. We are the largest consumer economy in the world, other countries want access to that economy there is a price to pay, just like they do our companies doing business in other countries. American companies do not want their products tariffed produce them in the US, otherwise their products will be tariffed. Protects US workers, enhances our national security and secures our economic future. Of course their is always another way, fair trade.
But what economic mistake does Richman make in his article? What makes it the economic crock of shit you say it is? Did you get so offended by the title you couldn’t bring your delicate (but very manly when in your hunting costume) sensibilities to read it?
But what economic mistake does Richman make in his article? What makes it the economic crock of shit you say it is? Did you get so offended by the title you couldn’t bring your delicate (but very manly when in your hunting costume) sensibilities to read it?
I disagree Trump's use of tariffs will do what you supposed free trade economist says it will do.
I disagree Trump's use of tariffs will do what you supposed free trade economist says it will do.
What do you think Trump’s tariffs will do? You really would do yourself a favor if you’d read the article. What would you say if Trump slapped onerous tariffs on Israel?
What do you think Trump’s tariffs will do? You really would do yourself a favor if you’d read the article. What would you say if Trump slapped onerous tariffs on Israel?
Do you not read posts? Your question was answered already.
Protects US workers, enhances our national security and secures our economic future.

How does, lets say Ford Motor Company, building a plant in Mexico to manufactures cars/trucks they then import to the US to sell to the America consumer help American workers, or enhance our national security?
How does manufacturing our pharmaceuticals overseas help American workers or enhance our national security?
How does Apple manufacturing and sharing industrial manufacturing knowledge with China help the American worker or enhance national security? Quick answer, It doesn't. All it does is harm American workers, puts our national security at risk and makes the already wealthy even more wealthy.

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