The “point” is about the principle involved, not the different issues. One person despises communism and communist controlled countries and therefore, thinking he knows better than everyone else, insists the police power of the state should be used to ban anyone from trading with anyone from a communist controlled country. (Ironically his “cure” is something you’d find in a communist controlled country.) The other person despises the language of Portuguese and countries where Portuguese is spoken and therefore, thinking he knows better than everyone else, insists the police power of the state be used to ban all its citizens from trading with anyone who speaks Portuguese or hails from a country where Portuguese is spoken. Remember how Rush Limbaugh “demonstrated absurdity by being absurd?” The Portuguese argument is a Limbaugh-type example of that. In a free society each individual has the option to trade with anyone he wants for any reason, and no matter how badly another individual doesn’t want him to trade with particular segments he has no moral authority to use or threaten to use the violence of the state to prevent such a trade.