Election Bet

Dave's busy delivering for Grub Hub. He will raise the money soon.
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The other way to settle this is to place bets through Odds Shark or some other onling gaming firm and bet against everyone.
I have thought about taking the lay on Biden on - may still do it. Guarantee myself a nice little profit... No on Biden is currently 37 cents - so for a $740 lay bet I am covered. $260 of easy money. But nah, I plan to cash that check sometime in December...
@davidallen - is a complete pussy! He’s talking nonstop about Biden destroying Trump, so I made him a simple wager: $500 to the winner and loser is banned from this site. His bitch ass states we need the $500/$1000 held in escrow because he doesn’t trust me.
Ok.....but then he calls me out for backing out but then ups the bet to 100k and calls me a little boy or shit. Really, your thought process is really great (doesn’t think I have a grand but wants to up the bet to 100k) and you call me weak. You are a scared ass that is now backing out by proposing BS to try and end the bet! ****ing TDS has destroyed your beta ass.
Pay your debt you little putz.
I didn't lose yet. Biden didn't win and won't be inaugurated on the 20th. Bet was who would be the next President. Biden is NOT President yet.
Whatever sources you may think you have and whatever they may be whispering in your ear, this charade has gone on long enough. The election is over as certified by the Vice President Mike Pence in Ascertaining and Counting the Electoral College results - Joe Biden is the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election. The terms of the bet have been met.

Just in case you missed it:
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Whatever sources you may think you have and whatever they may be whispering in your ear, this charade has gone on long enough. The election is over as certified by the Vice President Mike Pence in Ascertaining and Counting the Electoral College results - Joe Biden is the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election. The terms of the bet have been met.

Just in case you missed it:
In case you missed it, it's not January 20th at noon EST yet. Terms have NOT been met and I have NOT authorized the funds to be released yet.
In case you missed it, it's not January 20th at noon EST yet. Terms have NOT been met and I have NOT authorized the funds to be released yet.

go ahead and authorize payment

with the condition treble damages are in order for repayment

if the wager fails to materialize

the tard i bet shut the front door twice when i offered the condition
First, grow the **** up.
Second, read the title of this thread.
Third, do your best to preserve a tiny bit of self respect and take your loss like a man.
First, since you work @ google, and probably use google as your search engine, you have no idea what is happening in the real world. Let me inform you about your mentor/leader Nancy Pelosi: During the Capitol hill charade Special forces were mixed in with a antifa/black lives matter groups. In the rush to get to safety, Pelosi and 15 of her colleagues left their laptops behind. Special forces collected the laptops and turned them over to the President. Now you might understand why the corrupt politicians want to get rid of the President with less than 2 weeks remaining in his term. Without this information a sane person would think Pelosi and her colleagues are dumba$$es for doing this. Their very lives are dependent on getting the President convicted and thrown in prison!

Secondly, your beloved leader Joe Biden is a modern day Nebuchadnezzar. You may remember the old testament Bible story where he is thrown out of his kingdom by God and he is eating grass and living like an animal. Bill and Hillary are modern day Ahab and Jezebel types.

Thirdly, Joe Biden didnt win, and probably received less than 40 percent of the votes. But that doesn't matter. Whoever is President on 20 January 2021 does, though. Develop some patience and a
fear of God, and you will live a better life!
First, since you work @ google, and probably use google as your search engine, you have no idea what is happening in the real world. Let me inform you about your mentor/leader Nancy Pelosi: During the Capitol hill charade Special forces were mixed in with a antifa/black lives matter groups. In the rush to get to safety, Pelosi and 15 of her colleagues left their laptops behind. Special forces collected the laptops and turned them over to the President. Now you might understand why the corrupt politicians want to get rid of the President with less than 2 weeks remaining in his term. Without this information a sane person would think Pelosi and her colleagues are dumba$$es for doing this. Their very lives are dependent on getting the President convicted and thrown in prison!

Secondly, your beloved leader Joe Biden is a modern day Nebuchadnezzar. You may remember the old testament Bible story where he is thrown out of his kingdom by God and he is eating grass and living like an animal. Bill and Hillary are modern day Ahab and Jezebel types.

Thirdly, Joe Biden didnt win, and probably received less than 40 percent of the votes. But that doesn't matter. Whoever is President on 20 January 2021 does, though. Develop some patience and a
fear of God, and you will live a better life!
Get help. Seriously, this level of delusion is not normal, not indicative of a healthy mind.
This didn't age well! Welching on a bet is bad juju CoastGuard!
To be fair here - the bet is structured such that he can't welch on it. A third party holds the funds and will do the right thing. As a good faith gesture I have provided him the opportunity to communicate his agreement to the third party as well as asked him for suggestions on where the winnings might be donated. He has declined to do both.

The admirable thing to do would be to acknowledge what that the Joint Chiefs, the Senate, the House, the Veep - hell even Trump himself have acknowledged and that is Joe Biden won the election.
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@davidallen - is a complete pussy! He’s talking nonstop about Biden destroying Trump, so I made him a simple wager: $500 to the winner and loser is banned from this site. His bitch ass states we need the $500/$1000 held in escrow because he doesn’t trust me.
Ok.....but then he calls me out for backing out but then ups the bet to 100k and calls me a little boy or shit. Really, your thought process is really great (doesn’t think I have a grand but wants to up the bet to 100k) and you call me weak. You are a scared ass that is now backing out by proposing BS to try and end the bet! ****ing TDS has destroyed your beta ass.
This little man on the other hand - he needs pay the **** up.
and while you’re at it
show the board you’re a proponent of free speech and the first amendment

email google twitter and the like with your disgust at banning conservative speech

twitter doesn’t like it either dave

hey dave that’s your team at work

To be fair here - the bet is structured such that he can't welch on it. A third party holds the funds

The admirable thing to do would be

Trump himself have acknowledged and that is Joe Biden won the election.

fair and admirable big words dave

followed by a big effin lie

just like your ccp/dnc
you are fake news shill dave

“The calls for Trump’s removal come after the president spoke at a rally Wednesday, telling supporters that he would "never concede," and repeated unsubstantiated claims that the election was "stolen" from him and that he won in a "landslide."

To wrap this up:
  • If given a chance to get out of a bad bet, take it. @CoastGuardCowboy followed his heart and now is not only sad but also poor. @Rdcldad was smart - he stayed away.
  • @okcpokefan12 - you need to pay up. To anyone who can get this deadbeat to pay his debt I am paying a healthy bounty.
  • @N. Pappagiorgio - I owe you $100 - Trump actually crossed the finish line.
To those of you in mourning - I understand your disappointment, though I can't fathom how some of you have made it this far in life given just how gullible the Trump machine proved you to be.

Good luck and best to you all.

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Looks like I owe @07pilt $100. He can DM me and we can discuss billing details. I won't be donating to a commie front organization, but he can invoice me via the method of his choice and I'll make a payment to HIM. Someone else can be an intermediary if he's scared to do it that way.

If big Joe can survive the weekend without being suicided by Kamala or Valerie, I'll get you payment next week.
To wrap this up:
  • If given a chance to get out of a bad bet, take it. @CoastGuardCowboy followed his heart and now is not only sad but also poor. @Rdcldad was smart - he stayed away.
  • @okcpokefan12 - you need to pay up. To anyone who can get this deadbeat to pay his debt I am paying a healthy bounty.
  • @N. Pappagiorgio - I owe you $100 - Trump actually crossed the finish line.
To those of you in mourning - I understand your disappointment, though I can't fathom how some of you have made it this far in life given just how gullible the Trump machine proved you to be.

Good luck and best to you all.
You can donate my $100 to the Donald J. Trump 2024 campaign. Or we can double or nothing on Biden finishing his term.
In on the double or nothing. Payable at an OSU v. UT @ DKR...

there was a time when tipper gore was putting explicit labels on rap albums

after an election
we are all americans
we could all pop a top and move on down the road

unfortunately that’s is no longer the case

this is your team dave

that’s your team dave and it ain’t american

effin with peoples livelihoods
children’s schools