Ebola Czar


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Yep! That 'ill fix it.
Since an Ebola Czar would be responsible for directing every aspect of this disease, Obama will likely pick a traffic cop from Chicago.
Typical puss liberal approach. Let it fester and get worse while you're busy protecting the party.
Why are you so cynical? It's a perfect opportunity to get a true medical professional and/or competent epidemiologist out in front of this building hysteria. Someone who truly understands the pathology of ebola and how to work with multiple levels of medical safety layers to protect our....


check that...

Ronald A. "Ron" Klain is an American lawyer and political operative best known for serving as Chief of Staff to two Vice Presidents - Al Gore and Joseph Biden. [/B]

He is an influential Democratic Party insider. Wikipedia[/B]

Klain was responsible for disseminating the trillion dollar stimulus which didn't go to shovel ready jobs but did go to unions. He served as lead counsel to Biden during the attempted lynching of Clarence Thomas during his confirmation hearings. Served as lead attorney in Gore's failed attempt to steal Florida from Bush in 2000. And approved the 1/2 billion dollar boondoggle that was Solyndra over the objections of several other government officials.

The traffic cop would have been a better choice.

This post was edited on 10/17 3:16 PM by imprimis
Originally posted by imprimis:
Klain was responsible for disseminating the trillion dollar stimulus which didn't go to shovel ready jobs but did go to unions. He served as lead counsel to Biden during the attempted lynching of Clarence Thomas during his confirmation hearings. Served as lead attorney in Gore's failed attempt to steal Florida from Bush in 2000. And approved the 1/2 billion dollar boondoggle that was Solyndra over the objections of several other government officials.

The traffic cop would have been a better choice.

This post was edited on 10/17 3:16 PM by imprimis

I know you get it, but this is a freakin' joke. He's a political hack who will report to Susan "video" Rice. We now have the Nazi version of Joseph Gerbils, shoveling propaganda for political purposes. Cynical me, but the liar factor just self-bred x ?.
Never let a crisis go to waste. This has several billion dollars of money going to donors and cronies written all over it. I suspect Klain was brought in to create the meme for post election amnesty and global warming executive orders.