Don't watch this if you have a weak stomach (or a penchant for Palestinians)

This Arab puts it out there for all to see.
I don’t have a weak stomach but I do have a penchant for Palestinians (if you mean by “penchant” a desire for them to not live in servitude as subhuman animals in a Zionist dominated Jewish-supremicist racist apartheid state). What does this Arab say that should shy me away from watching it?
I do find it amusing that after years of the left claiming pubs are nazis, the left has now fully embraced targeting jews.

Apparently the latest spin from the left is that we must eradicate the jews before they eradicate the terrorists who are trying to eradicate them???

Being a liberal requires you to become a shitty person blindly defending shitty people doing shitty things.
I don’t have a weak stomach but I do have a penchant for Palestinians (if you mean by “penchant” a desire for them to not live in servitude as subhuman animals in a Zionist dominated Jewish-supremicist racist apartheid state). What does this Arab say that should shy me away from watching it?
I'll bet you pronounce penchant "pawn-shawnt".
I do find it amusing that after years of the left claiming pubs are nazis, the left has now fully embraced targeting jews.

Apparently the latest spin from the left is that we must eradicate the jews before they eradicate the terrorists who are trying to eradicate them???

Being a liberal requires you to become a shitty person blindly defending shitty people doing shitty things.

If this comment is aimed at me I would suggest you re-aim. I’m further from being a leftist than you ever will be.

That being said I will add that I am unaware of a leftist desire to eradicate Jews. Mostly I think what they want is for the Zionists to quit exterminating Palestinians. The Arab gentleman in the video most certainly was calling for Netanyahu to do exactly that. I would hope that people of any persuasion, left or right, would distance themselves as far from that attitude as possible as quickly as possible. It is disturbing (to me at least) that @fairdinkem regards it as “truth,” and apparently you agree with him. I pray that is not what people on the right advocate, only coming from the mentally disturbed ones.
If this comment is aimed at me I would suggest you re-aim. I’m further from being a leftist than you ever will be.

That being said I will add that I am unaware of a leftist desire to eradicate Jews. Mostly I think what they want is for the Zionists to quit exterminating Palestinians. The Arab gentleman in the video most certainly was calling for Netanyahu to do exactly that. I would hope that people of any persuasion, left or right, would distance themselves as far from that attitude as possible as quickly as possible. It is disturbing (to me at least) that @fairdinkem regards it as “truth,” and apparently you agree with him. I pray that is not what people on the right advocate, only coming from the mentally disturbed ones.
P-Dan, first I don't know what
If this comment is aimed at me I would suggest you re-aim. I’m further from being a leftist than you ever will be.

That being said I will add that I am unaware of a leftist desire to eradicate Jews. Mostly I think what they want is for the Zionists to quit exterminating Palestinians. The Arab gentleman in the video most certainly was calling for Netanyahu to do exactly that. I would hope that people of any persuasion, left or right, would distance themselves as far from that attitude as possible as quickly as possible. It is disturbing (to me at least) that @fairdinkem regards it as “truth,” and apparently you agree with him. I pray that is not what people on the right advocate, only coming from the mentally disturbed ones.
P-Dan, first, I don't understand what @fairdinkem indicates. Second, I don't claim that you are a liberal, no, you are clearly the Google search / Funk & Wagnalls definition of a LIBERAL. I guess since the "woke" can claim any gender, sex, favorite sports team, or being from Ponca City, without having to defend those choices under scrutiny or potential indictment, you can slide back and forth across those borders like the Venezuelan prisoners of military age abuse the border like Bill Clinton abused bimbos.
Oh, mercy me, is that your truth? Have Netanyahu exterminate the race? Gee, that's an attitude that sounds peculiarly German.
No Dan it's not our truth it's the truth of the Arab world, something I've been pointing our to you without success. I keep tryin to tell you there is a reason the the Arab world will not accept Palestinians into their country. Arabs have a much better grasp of their history than you or Caitlyn ever will, they know what's going on and are the ones effected. You might should pay attention.
P-Dan, first I don't know what

P-Dan, first, I don't understand what @fairdinkem indicates. Second, I don't claim that you are a liberal, no, you are clearly the Google search / Funk & Wagnalls definition of a LIBERAL. I guess since the "woke" can claim any gender, sex, favorite sports team, or being from Ponca City, without having to defend those choices under scrutiny or potential indictment, you can slide back and forth across those borders like the Venezuelan prisoners of military age abuse the border like Bill Clinton abused bimbos.
Your observation skills are sorely lacking, Bearcat. I’m none of those things. But I can understand why you think what you think. It seems in your mind there is your opinion, the correct opinion, the right-wing opinion, the MAGA opinion, and even the slightest deviation from your opinion is proof that a person is all those things you fear so badly.
No Dan it's not our truth it's the truth of the Arab world, something I've been pointing our to you without success. I keep tryin to tell you there is a reason the the Arab world will not accept Palestinians into their country. Arabs have a much better grasp of their history than you or Caitlyn ever will, they know what's going on and are the ones effected. You might should pay attention.
Your buddy, @fairdinkem, calls what that man said the “truth.” That man called for Netanyahu to exterminate the Palestinians, presumably because they have no homeland. Which probably comes as a surprise to the Palestinians who have lived there for a millennia or longer. But let’s assume the Arab gentleman is correct, the Palestinians have no claim to the land - you know, for the sake of the argument. That sounds eerily similar to another race that wandered the earth in search of a homeland, only to become victims of genocide. We both correctly condemn the genocide directed at them because we both recognize it as morally disgusting. Evil is what I call it. IMO the same evil attack against one group of people remains evil when it happens to another. Apparently your moral code doesn’t agree.
Your buddy, @fairdinkem, calls what that man said the “truth.” That man called for Netanyahu to exterminate the Palestinians, presumably because they have no homeland. Which probably comes as a surprise to the Palestinians who have lived there for a millennia or longer. But let’s assume the Arab gentleman is correct, the Palestinians have no claim to the land - you know, for the sake of the argument. That sounds eerily similar to another race that wandered the earth in search of a homeland, only to become victims of genocide. We both correctly condemn the genocide directed at them because we both recognize it as morally disgusting. Evil is what I call it. IMO the same evil attack against one group of people remains evil when it happens to another. Apparently your moral code doesn’t agree.
Dug in like a tick.
If this comment is aimed at me I would suggest you re-aim. I’m further from being a leftist than you ever will be.

That being said I will add that I am unaware of a leftist desire to eradicate Jews. Mostly I think what they want is for the Zionists to quit exterminating Palestinians.
Liberals tend to embrace evil, then they attempt to claim their evil position is actually 'good' and those supporting the good position are actually 'evil'.

Case in point: On October 7th, the world saw a Muslim terrorist group launch an unprovoked surprise attack on innocent Israelis, killing many of them. Israel then struck back, and killed many terrorists. The terrorists used innocent civilians as human shields.

But liberals reframe this as the jews were the aggressors, and they didn't attack terrorists, they attacked innocent civilians.

So the liberals take the truth: Muslim terrorists attack innocent jews, and reframe it as: Evil jews called 'zionists' attacked 'innocent' Palestinians. The unprovoked terrorist attack is not only removed from the liberal narrative, they are reframed as being 'innocent'.

Good becomes evil and evil becomes good in the world of a liberal.

Being a liberal requires you to become a shitty person defending shitty people doing shitty things.
Your buddy, @fairdinkem, calls what that man said the “truth.” That man called for Netanyahu to exterminate the Palestinians, presumably because they have no homeland. Which probably comes as a surprise to the Palestinians who have lived there for a millennia or longer. But let’s assume the Arab gentleman is correct, the Palestinians have no claim to the land - you know, for the sake of the argument. That sounds eerily similar to another race that wandered the earth in search of a homeland, only to become victims of genocide. We both correctly condemn the genocide directed at them because we both recognize it as morally disgusting. Evil is what I call it. IMO the same evil attack against one group of people remains evil when it happens to another. Apparently your moral code doesn’t agree.
Whoa!!! Now you have turned your river rock sharp criticisms on the Egyptians? They actually built things and were pretty good at math, etc. Because I cannot change my past I can tell you that my friends in Cairo that I fish the red sea with would take you gladly on a "Missouri boat ride".
I think Hamas Dans Views are highly influenced by his wife and daughter.
He believes 100% that Trump raped that woman in a Department Store dressing room yrs ago.
Dan didn't you say that they both believed that? Are they Liberals?
I think Hamas Dans Views are highly influenced by his wife and daughter.
He believes 100% that Trump raped that woman in a Department Store dressing room yrs ago.
Dan didn't you say that they both believed that? Are they Liberals?

Dan is out of pocket for awhile. He's down in the dining room enjoying some pudding, and afterward will be bathed and tucked in to his bed.
I think Hamas Dans Views are highly influenced by his wife and daughter.
He believes 100% that Trump raped that woman in a Department Store dressing room yrs ago.
Dan didn't you say that they both believed that? Are they Liberals?
I love that story, it's a massive intelligence test. Anyone that believes that story is officially a medical moron.

So here's the story....according to the woman who wrote a book and in it referred to her African-American husband as an 'ape'. She claims that world-famous Donald Trump, walked off the street in downtown NYC, into a crowded store.....and no one noticed him.

Then the story goes that world-famous Donald Trump, casually walked to the middle of this crowded store in NYC....and still no one noticed him.

Then world famous Donald Trump found this ugly chick in the middle of the crowded store, and grabbed her. Ugly chick one heard her.

Trump then threw her in a fitting room, according to the story. He then raped her, as she screamed bloody murder.

No one in the crowded store heard her screams.

World famous Donald Trump then leaves the fitting room, casually walks through the crowded store in downtown NYC and one notices him.

So this story had no eyewitnesses, no one saw Donald Trump enter this crowded store, walk through it, and no one heard this woman's multiple screams.

Of all the lies that have been told about Trump, this one is the most unbelievable. Yet its the one most libs swear by. Anyone that believes this story is an actual moron.
Whoa!!! Now you have turned your river rock sharp criticisms on the Egyptians? They actually built things and were pretty good at math, etc. Because I cannot change my past I can tell you that my friends in Cairo that I fish the red sea with would take you gladly on a "Missouri boat ride".
From my favorite Clint Eastwood movie.
I think Hamas Dans Views are highly influenced by his wife and daughter.
He believes 100% that Trump raped that woman in a Department Store dressing room yrs ago.
Dan didn't you say that they both believed that? Are they Liberals?
Neither are liberals. Both are libertarians like me, only not nearly as radical. I don’t believe 100% that Trump is guilty of the charge, but I do believe he was 100% found guilty.
Yeah you said you thought he did it.

So what? If he did it, and I believe he did, it doesn't matter why she's bringing it up now, he's not worthy of the office. I think I remember that a few days ago you said that you are "leaning" toward DeSantis. Good for

Link to that thread
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Yeah you said you thought he did it.

Link to that thread
I do think he did. I do think he has been as obnoxiously misogynistic to have done it. Anyone who bragged he grabs women by the pussy in public could easily be guilty of attscking that woman in a dressing room. But that does does not make me 100% certain of his guilt. Hope that clarifies it for you,
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I think Hamas Dans Views are highly influenced by his wife and daughter.
He believes 100% that Trump raped that woman in a Department Store dressing room yrs ago.
Dan didn't you say that they both believed that? Are they Liberals?

I do think he did. I do think he has been as obnoxiously misogynistic to have done it. Anyone who bragged he grabs women by the pussy in public could easily be guilty of attscking that woman in a dressing room. But that does does not make me 100% certain of his guilt. Hope that clarifies it for you,

So you are giving percentages now on what you believe and what you don't believe? You didn't mention that when you said you think he raped her. 🤣

So when you say you believe Israel is Genociding what percentage do you believe that statement, 35%, 60%, 75%, 99.9%?
So you are giving percentages now on what you believe and what you don't believe? You didn't mention that when you said you think he raped her. 🤣

So when you say you believe Israel is Genociding what percentage do you believe that statement, 35%, 60%, 75%, 99.9%?
No, I’m holding out a small benefit of doubt for Trump.
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