Donald Trump faces new rape allegation.

Look at this loser, he can’t even defend his own thread. Pathetic. Brought to you by the same party that gave you Covington kids, Jussie Smollett, and Russian Collusion. But there’s totally more than two genders, climate change will kill us in 11.5 years, and Trump raped skeletor (even though she says he didn’t). We promise! Now pay us more taxes you evil white male oppressors!
Look at this loser, he can’t even defend his own thread. Pathetic. Brought to you by the same party that gave you Covington kids, Jussie Smollett, and Russian Collusion. But there’s totally more than two genders, climate change will kill us in 11.5 years, and Trump raped skeletor (even though she says he didn’t). We promise! Now pay us more taxes you evil white male oppressors!
Dear diary, puke haz a sad today. I bet he’s constipated. The end.
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Has this latest hoax caused you to have a moment of self-reflection or are you going to confirm my belief that leftists lack the ability to do that?
What's sad is the newest GIT EEEEM heroine says most people think rape is sexy. It will be interesting how the SJW Squad reacts to that.
Read her whole quote, but I get it, for you, cherry picking is more fun. Context need not be applied inside these virtual walls.
She's confused Trump for Clinton. She's looks like the Paula Jones type Clinton was drawn to.
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Re: "She's not my type" sounds like an affirmative denial of her accusations.

Much better than "I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky."

Anyway, Trump's women are much more attractive than the trailer trash Clinton went after.
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