His defender are 36% and falling. His goodwill capital is gone with those that matter the middle 20%.
I know it is hard for you to conceive, but DJT will be re-elected. The lineup of Democratic candidates is incredibly weak. The middle 20% will not vote for another candidate that promises "hope and change" when the change will radically alter the political landscape of this country. The Democrats are still several election cycles away from being able to turn America into a socialist paradise.
These charges by this lady do nothing but add to the white noise. The Democrats, MSM, celebrity denouncements, education sector have overplayed their hand. Fresh charges every day, uninhibited outrage at his every utterance have caused too many of the 20% of which you speak to turn it off. They simply don't listen to it any longer.
None of which changes the fact that anyone who pays the slightest attention cannot hear these charges and not think to themselves they could see it being true. That's what a slovenly boor the man has shown himself to be.
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