Do any of you really know any white nationalists or white supremicists?

Why won't the leaders in the Democratic party condemn ANTIFA?

Trump came out with a harsh condemnation re: racism this week. That's something any of us could support.
Nancy, Biden and Yang have condemned them.

Nancy Pelosi:

“Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts. The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.

“In California, as across all of our great nation, we have deep reverence for the Constitutional right to peaceful dissent and free speech. Non-violence is fundamental to that right. Let us use this sad event to reaffirm that we must never fight hate with hate, and to remember the values of peace, openness and justice that represent the best of America.”
Nancy, Biden and Yang have condemned them.

Nancy Pelosi:

“Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts. The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.

“In California, as across all of our great nation, we have deep reverence for the Constitutional right to peaceful dissent and free speech. Non-violence is fundamental to that right. Let us use this sad event to reaffirm that we must never fight hate with hate, and to remember the values of peace, openness and justice that represent the best of America.”
Good. They've elevated themselves in my view.

Violence should never be applauded or condoned.
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Sooooo, should this kind of violent language be condemned?

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WTF are you talking about? I clearly stated that it only takes a very small percentage of the population being white supremacists for it to be a big problem in this country.

Once again, the original question was this:

"Do any of you really know any white nationalists or white supremacists?
Apparently it's a big problem in America today.
Still haven't met one."

I'm clearly stating that they do exist and that it takes very few of them to be considered a "big problem in this country". You are clearly accusing me of claiming that they "must exist everywhere in this country." Once again, where did I say that?
We have "a big problem in this country" with young disenfranchised males, usually white, that stew in their loneliness and hatred until they snap and kill all manner of people young and old, rich and poor. That is the common thread, not hatred of Connecticut schoolchildren or California federal workers or suburban Denver high school bullies or Ohio partyers or Mexican American Walmart customers.

This load of shit about "racist/white supremacy" is the classic red herring and gets us nowhere as a society in fixing its ills.

You playing up the white supremacy angle to score points inside your head as above or ahead of the rest of us is delusion and furthers the divide we need to close.
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We have "a big problem in this country" with young disenfranchised males, usually white, that stew in their loneliness and hatred until they snap and kill all manner of people young and old, rich and poor. That is the common thread, not hatred of Connecticut schoolchildren or California federal workers or suburban Denver high school bullies or Ohio partyers or Mexican American Walmart customers.

This load of shit about "racist/white supremacy" is the classic red herring and gets us nowhere as a society in fixing its ills.

You playing up the white supremacy angle to score points inside your head as above or ahead of the rest of us is delusion and furthers the divide we need to close.

So the Wal Mart shooter drove from Allen to El Paso for what reason in this world you are living in? He could have gone to 10 Wal Marts within 5 miles of his house, and probably drove within 5 miles of another 100 during his journy.
So the Wal Mart shooter drove from Allen to El Paso for what reason in this world you are living in? He could have gone to 10 Wal Marts within 5 miles of his house, and probably drove within 5 miles of another 100 during his journy.
Is it somehow your belief that your political opponents aren't aware and DO condone the fact that he killed people in Walmart because he thought they were Mexican? I've not read one post, one article, one whisper that could lead you in this direction, yet you persist in your deflection of the original question.

Pretty damning, and I'll take that as my answer even though you won't come out and acknowledge it. FWIW I'm glad and not surprised you don't have daily white supremicist difficulties.
Is it somehow your belief that your political opponents aren't aware and DO condone the fact that he killed people in Walmart because he thought they were Mexican? I've not read one post, one article, one whisper that could lead you in this direction, yet you persist in your deflection of the original question.

Pretty damning, and I'll take that as my answer even though you won't come out and acknowledge it. FWIW I'm glad and not surprised you don't have daily white supremicist difficulties.

I don't even know what we are arguing anymore. You are not making sense. I'm not sure what you want from me.

All I have said, throughout this thread is that white supremism is a thing and that it doesn't take many of them to be a significant problem. You seem to disagree with one or the other point since you keep arguing with me.
p.s. FYI, the El Paso shooter was a student at Plano Senior High.
**** the racist shooter and **** the Wildcats.

Although I wouldn’t use Plano as an example of a city I’d be most concerned about seeing nazis roaming the street.
**** the racist shooter and **** the Wildcats.

Although I wouldn’t use Plano as an example of a city I’d be most concerned about seeing nazis roaming the street.

What U.S. City would you be concerned about?
REVEALED: DOJ blocked report showing white supremacists responsible for all race-based domestic terrorism incidents in 2018

8 hours ago
The Trump administration has known since at least April that alleged white supremacists were responsible for every single act of race-based domestic terrorism in the U.S. in 2018, yet not only took no action to combat the growing right wing violent extremism, but actually substantially reduced or even eliminated funding and programs that combat white supremacist extremism, violence, and terrorism – and then blocked the data from reaching the hands of Congress.

“Domestic Terrorism in 2018,” a document (embedded below) prepared by the State of New Jersey’s Office of Homeland Security Preparedness, “shows 25 of the 46 individuals allegedly involved in 32 different domestic terrorism incidents were identified as white supremacists,” Yahoo News’ Jana Winter and Hunter Walker report.

That document finds there were “32 domestic terrorist attacks, disrupted plots, threats of violence, and weapons stockpiling by individuals with a radical political or social agenda who lack direction or influence from foreign terrorist organizations in 2018.”

The report was “circulated” throughout the U.S. Dept. of Justice “and around the country in April just as members of the Senate pushed the DOJ to provide them with precise information about the number of white supremacists involved in domestic terrorism.”

The Justice Department, under President Trump’s hand-picked Attorney General Bill Barr, refused to hand over the data or the document to Congress.

Meanwhile, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in January of 2019 had already compiled a report, announcing that, “Right-Wing Extremism Linked to Every 2018 Extremist Murder in the U.S., ADL Finds.”

ADL reported that “Right-wing extremists were linked to at least 50 extremist-related murders in the United States in 2018, making them responsible for more deaths than in any year since 1995, according to new data from the ADL.”

1995 was the year domestic terrorist Timothy McVeigh blew up the Oklahoma City federal building, slaughtering 168 people and injuring more than 680 others.

“The tally represents a 35 percent increase from the 37 extremist-related murders in 2017,” ADL reported, “making 2018 the fourth-deadliest year on record for domestic extremist-related killings since 1970. Last year saw the highest percentage of right-wing extremist-related killings since 2012, the last year when all documented killings were by right-wing extremists.”

Why the Dept. of Justice and the White House blocked the data from reaching Congress is now yet another investigation Congress should take up.

Here’s the document the DOJ refused to hand over to Members of the House and Senate:

Domestic Terrorism in 2018.pdf by Kelli R. Granton Scribd
What U.S. City would you be concerned about?
Well the progressive SPLC tracks hate groups on their website and per Capita Texas is right in the middle of the pack of America. Plano is a very diverse city and an 8Chan white supremacist isolated loser isn't going to change that.

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