Disturbed covers Simon and Garfunkle....

F'ing incredible. Made me mournful and pumped at the same time. Just shows how bad ass that song is.

For some reason it made me think of the Paris theater concert. Kind of captured how I feel about that. Defiant yet weeping.
Freaking NAILED IT!!!

And that is coming from someone who can't stand listening to Disturbed. They need to slow it down more often. He has an awesome voice.
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As a "mature" poster who has S&G vinyl, I think it's great!
I'll give him credit for actually singing. Today, if you can growl/yell you are in. This guy actually sung part of the song...with of course the growl/yelling thing that people today seems to like.
I'll give him credit for actually singing. Today, if you can growl/yell you are in. This guy actually sung part of the song...with of course the growl/yelling thing that people today seems to like.

I think it's the way the song builds, along with his impressive display of vocal dynamics and control which build from tender to powerful that people find interesting. It follows a certain climactic path like Stairway to heaven or Freebird.

I'm not a Disturbed fan really. Just found the dichotomy within this cover to be s really interesting arrangement.
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David Draiman has displayed a wide vocal range on quite a few of their songs. I think Disturbed has done a cover of an "oldie" on several of their albums. Another good cover they did is ISHFWILF, originally by U2.