Disappointed in the first year.

You profess to dislike the establishment and then passionately support quintessential establishment, big money, corporate, judicial appointments.

That’s your heavily propagandized description. My litmus test for good appointments is simple. Are they Constitutionalists? It’s seems so. But it’s early.

At the end of the day, Trump’s legacy may be as simple as having cockblocked gun control in your lifetime, and that’s not bad.
At the end of the day, Trump’s legacy may be as simple as having cockblocked gun control in your lifetime, and that’s not bad.

I still ask, why would the owner of more than 30 firearms support the Australian model of gun control? I'm always left with two viable options...




The really difficult part in sorting this out is that you display the characteristics of both on a daily basis.
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He tiny little two handed that Fiji water bottle like a sippy cup and it looked like he wasn’t sure where his mouth was.
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I've thought for awhile some of the resistance the congressional cowards club has towards Trumps agenda will start to erode as November 2018 gets closer and closer. Their desire to stay relevant and re-elected (members of both useless parties) will prevail over whatever one claims as "principle" when an election is not forthcoming in their future.

I'm most disappointed in the tax reform debacle so far. Selfishly I WANT more of what I earn to stay in my pocket, not fund some loser proposition like global warming conferences, wind power rebates or subsidizing illegal immigrants children's educations.
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