Did Hunter Fall Off The Wagon?

Nope. I'm just saying most dads would defend their children's bad mistakes. So I give Joe a pass here. But the media free pass is why I'm a believer that this country is too far gone.
Media's one thing brother, but a crackhead middleman for the "big guy" is a whole nother animal.
Sorry to burst your bubbles but this man smoked parmesan. No way a bag of cocaine is in his possession more than an hour before it is up his nose. Hunter Biden losing cocaine is the most implausible story I have ever heard.

He lost a laptop with all kind of stupid shit he has done on it, drugs make you do some stupid shit.
Don't do drugs kiddos.
He lost a laptop with all kind of stupid shit he has done on it, drugs make you do some stupid shit.
Don't do drugs kiddos.
I promise if his laptop could get him high he never would have parted with it
Rule of thumb back in the day the captain went down with his vessel. When did they do away that? There's no honor with our military leaders today and especially our political leaders.
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Does Hunter have a seat of the board if the construction company that they floated as a possible coke transporter.
Has Hunter been to Mexico? With all the drugs and sex trafficking coming across the border, I could understand why the Cartels would want him on their board. Plenty of expereince.
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