Democrats Know Their Voters Are Stupid


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

Leftist in our government, media and even in the EU are screaming about mis/disinformation but when they are caught blatantly spreading mis/disinformation it's the viewers fault? Pull your head out of your ass Democrat voters, you're being lied to in order to manipulate you into voting for them.

Isn’t that the same stuff Newsom said he was going to outlaw?

Hopefully the good Dr. chimes in on this.
Not exactly. Newsome and the Democrats intention is to outlaw conservative ideas and values being talked about in the media, Democrat mis/disinormation would be completely legal. Hell Democrats are trying to have AM radios removed from new cars because of all the successful right wing radio shows. Democrats know they can control people if they control the information that is available.
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Their voters are indoctrinated into putting their politics at the center of their lives.

We call them stupid, because we couldnt envision living like this. But to the libs, it makes complete sense.

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