Democrat Candidate Wants To Mandate Trump Voters Go To Reeducation Camps

Democrats going full commie on us.

Democrats going full commie on us.
lol, I knew the other day when I saw this, when I got back on this board, you would have posted about it. You are just so predictable Bearcat.

The whole quote:
"Even if we were to have a resounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like, putting it all back together again after we’ve gone through this MAGA nightmare and re-educating basically, which that sounds like a rather, a re-education camp. I don’t think we really wanna call it that. I’m sure we can find another way to phrase it.

Clearly, Collins misspoke, and you can see as soon as she did, she was processing it in her mind as she spoke, and trying to correct it.

If she didn't misspeak, and if she is proposing re-education camps for Trump supporters (which I don't think she was doing), I would firmly disagree with her and oppose such an endeavor.
Hey @my_2cents you sniveling little c.unt. Tell us again about how Trump and the GOP are the FaScIsTs. SMH.
Wait a minute, do off the cuff remarks all of a sudden matter to you??

Didn't you claim that . . .
I don’t vote for off the cuff remarks. I vote for platforms.
If this is the case, why are you holding up these off the cuff remarks to make some point?

btw, Trump and many of his supporters are fascists. Or neo-fascists if you prefer. I've never claimed the entire GOP or every Republican was a fascist.
Wait a minute, do off the cuff remarks all of a sudden matter to you??

Didn't you claim that . . .

If this is the case, why are you holding up these off the cuff remarks to make some point?

btw, Trump and many of his supporters are fascists. Or neo-fascists if you prefer. I've never claimed the entire GOP or every Republican was a fascist.
Those weren’t off the cuff remarks. Everything you people do is calculated.
Those weren’t off the cuff remarks. Everything you people do is calculated.
lol, best you could come up with huh?

Clearly, it was an off the cuff remark and you don't pay attention or care about off the cuff remarks. So none of this should matter to you.

Thanks for playing.
lol, I knew the other day when I saw this, when I got back on this board, you would have posted about it. You are just so predictable Bearcat.

The whole quote:
"Even if we were to have a resounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like, putting it all back together again after we’ve gone through this MAGA nightmare and re-educating basically, which that sounds like a rather, a re-education camp. I don’t think we really wanna call it that. I’m sure we can find another way to phrase it.

Clearly, Collins misspoke, and you can see as soon as she did, she was processing it in her mind as she spoke, and trying to correct it.

If she didn't misspeak, and if she is proposing re-education camps for Trump supporters (which I don't think she was doing), I would firmly disagree with her and oppose such an endeavor.
You ever notice how forgiving you are of anyone on the left, while you are highly critical of anyone on the right? Example, Fine people, Inject bleach? LMAO
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lol, best you could come up with huh?

Clearly, it was an off the cuff remark and you don't pay attention or care about off the cuff remarks. So none of this should matter to you.

Thanks for playing.
But how could a leftist make such a remark without meaning it? They’re the smartest people on the planet. They don’t make off the cuff remarks. Plus, the heroes of the left have a history of sending people to “re-education camps”.
But how could a leftist make such a remark without meaning it? They’re the smartest people on the planet. They don’t make off the cuff remarks.
Laying your sarcasm aside, I've never claimed your last two sentences are true. In fact, I don't believe they are true.

Just acknowledge you contradicted yourself and move on. We both know you pay attention, care about, and respond to off the cuff remarks. The "I don't care about off the cuff remarks" was just your latest lame and dishonest attempt to dodge admitting what Trump actually believes.

Plus, the heroes of the left have a history of sending people to “re-education camps”.
Such as?
Laying your sarcasm aside, I've never claimed your last two sentences are true. In fact, I don't believe they are true.

Just acknowledge you contradicted yourself and move on. We both know you pay attention, care about, and respond to off the cuff remarks. The "I don't care about off the cuff remarks" was just your latest lame and dishonest attempt to dodge admitting what Trump actually believes.

Such as?
Soviet Union. Communist China, North Korea, Cuba.

Also relevant is the fact that you’re constantly throwing around the FaScISt label, except when your side advocates actual socialist-fascism.
Soviet Union. Communist China, North Korea, Cuba.
I'm part of the left, and none of these countries are heros to me.

Try again maybe?

Also relevant is the fact that you’re constantly throwing around the FaScISt label, except when your side advocates actual socialist-fascism.
I don't throw around the fascist label. I accurately use that term when referring to those who embrace fascism or neo-fascism.

I'm sorry if you have a problem with the truth. That's not my problem though.
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I don't throw around the fascist label. I accurately use that term when referring to those who embrace fascism or neo-fascism.

I'm sorry if you have a problem with the truth. That's not my problem though.
Except that you have never supported any of your accusations of FaScIsM. You just throw it around. Typical leftist projection.
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Your “vision” for America is a spitting image of those countries
Not at all. I have no desire for our country to be the spitting image of any of those countries. None.

The fact that you believe this illustrates how misguided and ignorant you are.

Except that you have never supported any of your accusations of FaScIsM.
Yes I have. Numerous times. And even given you definitions when you asked.

I don't know why you have to lie so much. It doesn't help your argument at all.
Not at all. I have no desire for our country to be the spitting image of any of those countries. None.

The fact that you believe this illustrates how misguided and ignorant you are.

Yes I have. Numerous times. And even given you definitions when you asked.

I don't know why you have to lie so much. It doesn't help your argument at all.
Now you’re just flat out lying. You come here, puts your drive by crap, and then run off with your tail between your legs when challenged.
Bullshit. Your “vision” for America is a spitting image of those countries, even if you’re not honest enough to admit it. you mean if you're not BRIGHT enough to admit it?

You're dealing with a guy who looks at a question from a Mensa exercise which is designed to measure one's ability to reason and calls it a "silly riddle." Can you expect anything more from what you're getting?
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