Definitely a pattern here

They hate our ever-living guts and we just keep bringing in more of their ilk.

They hate EVERYONE. Even their fellow Muslim countries want nothing to do with them. In what logical mind do you protest or riot chanting "death to (fill in the blank)" to initiate change? No one does. But these are adults that are brainwashed in the womb to kill and rape non-believers. It is a society and culture there is zero hope to change and repair. They are begging to be eliminated, it is only by the grace of god Israel and other countries tolerate the sickness. They are starting to win the propaganda war in Europe, the Muslim world is looking to over take Europe. America is also in the cross hairs. Their goal is a worldwide caliphate. They would kill Dan and his ilk for being a non-believer. It is amazing how stupid some people are.
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