Deer Season 2024


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Oct 22, 2003
Small ranch North of Denton, TX
I haven't even been to the lease once this sumer/fall. WAAAY behind schedule putting up cameras, blinds, etc. Won't get there until late this month.

On the other hand, I've been in Colorado high country watching elk, catching trout, messing with the local fox, and keeping track of bear visits to our neighborhood.

It's been a great summer. Please post any game cam pics you get, deer you bag, etc., so if I don't get mine this year, I (we) can live vicariously though you. I'll try to post pics when I get them.
Been twice with my bow and I have one buck I am I am after this year. Do also have a target pig that showed up a week ago. It’s been so hot they are out more at night right now. I about died Friday.
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In the tree stand today and 20 mph winds this is a blast. I have the direction I need but man it needs to slow down a tad. I am sure I come up skunked again.
You can get lucky sometimes with the wind, but usually, unless it's the rut, they don't like to move much. That said, they do eventually get hungry or thirsty and move some. I'd guess that 90% of my deer have come from calm weather, even if "a little" rainy.
Well like OSU last night I came up short. Had a couple spikes and forks come in and I thought this is the night. They came in never knew I was there. Then right at prime time when this buck I have been chasing for a couple years would walk out some dumb doe got up wind I guess and blew. Killed the rest of the night. Guess he has a body guard running security. I would love to double tap this blowing doe. I had everything last night except no smell.
Well like OSU last night I came up short. Had a couple spikes and forks come in and I thought this is the night. They came in never knew I was there. Then right at prime time when this buck I have been chasing for a couple years would walk out some dumb doe got up wind I guess and blew. Killed the rest of the night. Guess he has a body guard running security. I would love to double tap this blowing doe. I had everything last night except no smell.
Older, smart bucks DO seem to use other deer for alert systems..... especially does.
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Couple mornings ago. I swear the night we played BYU this followed me out of the woods.

saturday west of stw, saw 7 does and 2 yearlings, no bucks at all. then didn't see any deer sunday morning. did not hunt sunday pm. hunting partner saw 3 does and a young 8 pt saturday morning.

good luck and be careful out there

one bullet at a time cumala, one bullet at a time
I've seen a number of nice bucks, but no shot. Could have tried at a nice mature 10 pointer, but didn't want to spook him in case I didn't get it done. Will hope to see him again in a week or so. Of 4 hunters however, two shot nice bucks, the first an older 13 pointer (12 with a kicker) and a symetrical 10.
Thought last night was it got a forker to come out then a doe and one year old for 20-30 minutes and no one had a clue I was there. Had the wind in my favor and everything. I was freaking juiced could hear that buck in the woods but the sob never came out and I ran out of light. Man I think this buck is going to make it to next year.
Windy and cold. Saw several does and a small 6-8 Buck was all over the does, rut is on
My hunting life is like Gundys coaching life this year. Trash

I suck.

I agree the rut has been on for week or so IMO
I'm going to be more active next season on something that has worked for me in the past, but I just don't completely buy in I guess. We do feed, mostly corn. We are all and only bowhunters. Mostly primitive (longbows and recurves). We have stands around the corn within shooting distance. Early season bucks will come in and feed as well as chase does, and post rut bucks will who need the nourishment, if we haven't spooked them with our activity (smelling that we were around some is enough). For older bucks it takes very little human activity to change their routine. I've never had a super buck come into the corn (except at night rarely caught on camera) though I've seen them at a distance, usually 75-80 yds or further, downwind, checking out the feed source for activity of does and other bucks. I've had good luck on larger bucks when I set up stand to intercept these smarter bucks on secondary trails between scraps, but still, I find myself hunting mostly in the stands over the corn anyway. Those stands have lots of activity (and younger bucks included, up to 3.5 yrs and occasionally one that is a little older) and it's fun to watch deer and all. I'm going up in Jan or Feb and put up another 4 or so tree stands and prep spots for a couple more ground blinds on the lease that we will only hunt on one or two occasions, when the wind and timing is right, to see if we can't waylay the next level of even older bucks. We know they are there. Our program is working well, with bigger average bucks seen each year. We will see if we can get closer to the monsters. Anyone share their wisdom / thoughts about doing this?
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I'm going to be more active next season on something that has worked for me in the past, but I just don't completely buy in I guess. We do feed, mostly corn. We are all and only bowhunters. Mostly primitive (longbows and recurves). We have stands around the corn within shooting distance. Early season bucks will come in and feed as well as chase does, and post rut bucks will who need the nourishment, if we haven't spooked them with our activity (smelling that we were around some is enough). For older bucks it takes very little human activity to change their routine. I've never had a super buck come into the corn (except at night rarely caught on camera) though I've seen them at a distance, usually 75-80 yds or further, downwind, checking out the feed source for activity of does and other bucks. I've had good luck on larger bucks when I set up stand to intercept these smarter bucks, but still, I find myself hunting mostly in the stands over the corn anyway. Those stands have lots of activity (and younger bucks included, up to 3.5 yrs and occasionally one that is a little older) and it's fun to watch deer and all. I'm going up in Jan or Feb and put up another 4 or so tree stands and prep spots for a couple more ground blinds on the lease that we will only hunt on one or two occasions, when the wind and timing is right, to see if we can't waylay the next level of even older bucks. We know they are there. We will see. Anyone share their wisdom / thoughts about doing this?
Did we just become best friends lol. This is kinda what we are changing to. I have stands you can gun hunt on those feeders and we have tree islands to trick them. Problem is bow hunting is more of what we get time to do so we are moving tree stands around a bit.

I have found a ridge and not told anyone with a spot and after the season I am moving a tree stand from an open clearing on a feeder. I sit and hear them and they are circling the feeder and busting me and the circle is like a 50 yard circle. I know I will be the only one to hunt this spot so maybe three to four times I will sit it next year and see if I cant trick them.

Going tomorrow for my birthday if it’s brown it’s down lol.
I swear the man above is teaching me something this year. Skunked again.

Did sit my favorite tree stand though and it was a great day yesterday in the woods.
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I know what you mean! As I tell my young nephew who is learning to bowhunt, you have to fall in love the "Process" of hunting, and harvesting game is just icing on the cake. Same with fishing. I go hunting (or fishing) these days even when I know I won't likely bring anything home. So I'm glad you enjoyed you day in the woods!

There is an English saying: "God shall not deduct from a man's days on earth those he spends fishing." Not real scripture but I like the sentiment.
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I know what you mean! As I tell my young nephew who is learning to bowhunt, you have to fall in love the "Process" of hunting, and harvesting game is just icing on the cake. Same with fishing. I go hunting (or fishing) these days even when I know I won't likely bring anything home. So I'm glad you enjoyed you day in the woods!

There is an English saying: "God shall not deduct from a man's days on earth those he spends fishing." Not real scripture but I like the sentiment.
My brother in law who doesn’t hunt can’t fathom how I enjoy on my days off I go cut trails or work in the woods. I freaking love just being in nature more than anything even working in the woods is a great day. It just brings such an inner peace in me. I also love fishing and mostly just being on the water with that. Nothing better than Gods creativity.

I will say I passed a bunch of spikes and forks and does early. I have just put the most energy into this season and the last time I slayed a deer was Oct 1 2023. It’s the breaking bad fly episode lol

I also have got blessed and a guy who duck hunts has taken me under his wing and teaching me duck hunting. He floods like 80-100 acres does food plots. It’s like Disney world to me. Just holding faith if deer season sucks maybe duck hunting will go better. Seems a little more fun so to speak when going with buddies.
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Well threw a Hail Mary yesterday and had a friend let me come hunt his place and set me up perfectly. I had three does and three smaller bucks come in. This was the best setup I have had since Oct but wasn’t wanting to take a doe or spike at that time lol. Well I was too weak to get my bow pulled back in the tree stand. 41 has been a hard year guys. If that had been Bigfoot I might have just jumped out of that tree.
Well threw a Hail Mary yesterday and had a friend let me come hunt his place and set me up perfectly. I had three does and three smaller bucks come in. This was the best setup I have had since Oct but wasn’t wanting to take a doe or spike at that time lol. Well I was too weak to get my bow pulled back in the tree stand. 41 has been a hard year guys. If that had been Bigfoot I might have just jumped out of that tree.
Well, I'm glad you got to see something, and to be fair, I think we would all get a little "buckfever" if Bigfoot walked out of the woods in front of us. :cool:
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My deer season wasn't very successful in Oklahoma, so I headed South of the border and got this guy.
He scored 184 4/8. He broke off about 5 or 6 inches off of his g2 unfortunately, but we have a trail cam pic of him in December so I'll probably have the taxidermist add that back on.
In the interest of having deer get used to new stands way before season starts, I was up at the lease the last three days doing some scouting and put up 4 new tree stands in new areas. At age 69, That is some work and I'm feeling it a little this am. Not complaining though as It was a beautiful weekend and saw a lot of deer around. Also put up some trailcams that I won't check until August, most likely. Will be interesting to ck them. I had never been to Robbers Cave State Park,and stayed in a cabin. That place is really a beautiful area.

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