Debt to top World War II peak within 20 years

I'm against much of welfare and its abuses. It ain't just blacks either...lots of poor whites out there who claim to be conservative republicans taking their government checks. It's weird.

Whoever has said only blacks taking the government handouts? Pretty damn racist of you IYAM. I don't understand why you liberal's have to make everything about race.
"Build a wall"
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I mean it should surprise me, but given how little Oklahomans care about education too, it doesn't. You all don't get it, and you obviously will never get it.

Enjoy Hillary 2016 cuz it's comin.

Maybe not a slam dunk? FYI, the Presidential election is state by state. And Quinnipiac is one of the best polling organizations, particularly on state polls.



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Wednesday, July 13
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Poll Results Spread
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Clinton Quinnipiac Clinton 41, Trump 43 Trump +2
Ohio: Trump vs. Clinton Quinnipiac Clinton 41, Trump 41 Tie
Florida: Trump vs. Clinton Quinnipiac Trump 42, Clinton 39 Trump +3
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Quinnipiac Trump 40, Clinton 34, Johnson 9, Stein 3 Trump +6
Ohio: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Quinnipiac Trump 37, Clinton 36, Johnson 7, Stein 6 Trump +1
Florida: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Quinnipiac Trump 41, Clinton 36, Johnson 7, Stein 4 Trump +5
No, but again, that 5%+ growth occurred while debt was at all time levels.

Are you of the belief that if we roughly expand debt financing to a comparable historical percentage, that we would experience similar levels of growth? Do you anticipate any downstream consequences?
Hey Clinton? Just to let you know you have called people morons and stupid already, WITHOUT 1 provocation. You are the culprit whether you believe it or not.
Healthcare isn't a negotiable industry you morons. It should a government entity, period. Oh that bothers you? I sound like a liberal? The pharmaceutical industry runs this country, and it should bother conservatives too, yet you don't see Jim Inhofe going after them. I wonder why...maybe it's those millions lining his pockets right now in kickbacks.
If you don't think the gov't is also lining their pockets you need to get your head out of the sand.
We're the only country in the world that doesn't provide free healthcare. We aren't perfect by any means. My roommate went to the ER the other night to get a blood test. His bill is 2600 dollars.

Well did you give him the AIDS....
As the name should imply, the "Emergency Room" is for emergencies. If it were for convenience, it would be called the Convenience Room. If it were for shit your family practice doc should be seeing, it would be called the Family Practice Room.
If you think the taxes that those countries WITH free healthcare is going to fly here...gtfo and go live in one of those countries.
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So about the debt. It sounds like I should prep for unprecedented good economic times and vote for more free stuff to drive up the debt.

Is that right?
So about the debt. It sounds like I should prep for unprecedented good economic times and vote for more free stuff to drive up the debt.

Is that right?

Pilt here you go. Convince us that infinity debt is no big deal. I love that bed time story.

On a side note:Clinton you suck
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Are you of the belief that if we roughly expand debt financing to a comparable historical percentage, that we would experience similar levels of growth? Do you anticipate any downstream consequences?
I am not saying debt = growth, but I am saying that empirically debt at those levels doesn't lead to economic disaster.
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When debt maintenance becomes sufficiently onerous as to adversely affect the products and services provided by "free" cash flow. My guess.
It is all just paper. The real resources are still there. Paper is just how it gets allocated.
I am not saying debt = growth, but I am saying that empirically debt at those levels doesn't lead to economic disaster.

Univariate is no way to walk through life.

I keed, I keed!!

I am not saying debt = growth, but I am saying that empirically debt at those levels doesn't lead to economic disaster.
The debt levels were able to be reduced due to higher levels of economic growth, along with lesser commitments for entitlements in that period.

What we see now are projections for ever increasing debt levels, currently greater commitments for entitlements and promises of still more to come form at least one Presidential candidate, coupled with stagnating population growth and 2% growth projections.
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The debt levels were able to be reduced due to higher levels of economic growth, along with lesser commitments for entitlements in that period.

What see now are projections for ever increasing debt levels, currently greater commitments for entitlements and promises of still more to come form at least one Presidential candidate, coupled with stagnating population growth and 2% growth projections.

Have you ever read Trump's tax plan? It's a disaster, and it's been heavily criticized by everyone including republicans and economists.

You really need to tone it down several notches. You're going off the rails unprovoked in the name calling etc.
The debt levels were able to be reduced due to higher levels of economic growth, along with lesser commitments for entitlements in that period.

What see now are projections for ever increasing debt levels, currently greater commitments for entitlements and promises of still more to come form at least one Presidential candidate, coupled with stagnating population growth and 2% growth projections.
And what I am saying is that all of that debt didn't prevent growth or really cause any problems at all. If you want people to panic about the debt, saying that "in twenty years it will reach an arbitrary level that hasn't been associated with negative outcomes," isn't the best tact.
If growth stays at 2% then the interest rate projections from the CBO (publisher of this report) will be laughably wrong. Go look at the interest rates projected for 2016 in the 2010 report for a good illustration of the CBO's track record.
CBO projects entitlements to go from 13.2% of GDP to 16.9% over the next 30 years, I think we will manage.
Have you? Please highlight the parts that you think are just terrible?

No income tax whatsoever from single income under 25,000 and dual income under 50,000? Lowering business income tax to no more than 15 percent?

It makes no sense, the revenues would plummet and ensure our future plight.

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