There are a lot of things Iowa does really well, fan following and branding, lightweight development, all of that is undeniable. Contrary to popular belief, their kids do improve from high school ... the Iowa style definitely isn't ineffective per se. Their kids master handfighting, are in insanely good shape and are very well positioned. But then the wrestlers plateau doing the same things over and over and hoping for different results ... then they eventually regress from overtraining. Then they try to plug a team with transfers utilizing their vast financial resources that their fans claim is the only reason PSU wins. 2025 is the last year with COVID transfer barring injury years, less and less kids are going to be available.
@vhsalum gets flak on the board but he just wants changes to the stuff causing plateauing and regression (more diversified offense and not overtraining) That's what DT has brought to Oklahoma State immediately. You can literally see in the video DT walking his wrestlers through an entire sequence rather than just one position. Depending on who you're wrestling, there could be several scenarios of how an opponent will react next.
If you guys ever want to see a similar philosophy to what you might see from DT, watch an Askren instructional video, promise you it's very similar to what is being taught in the PSU and now Ok State room. Askren basically walks through a scramble and the likelihood of directions something can go. He even talks human psychology in it like "nobody is likely to really put themselves in this position"