Dang- 700 positive?


Heisman Candidate
Aug 15, 2021
Of course this would state that the shot worshippers WERE the omicron scariant .....but I cut y'all some slack- bc anyone with any common sense knows the tests are the problems- can't tell the difference between influenza, the Coof or phi beta rulicron scariant.

But you sheep keep taking those 90 percent false positive tests so the global elite lefturds and big Harma can keep getting filthy rich and laughing at y'all. The wealth gap is on steroids bc y'all locked down and shot up for them. It stops when y'all quit lining up and taking fraudulent tests when you're freakin healthy -holy obedience batman.
Everyone has been brainwashed into thinking they are a bad pereonnif they don't comply with a government that hates them and is laughing their arses of at us.