Covid News Network goes back to regular old CNN?

They have to do something different. They have been hemorrhaging viewers for the past year, and its making it much harder for AT&T to sell.
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I predicted this. Brandon ran on wiping out COVID and schooling Trump on COVD, despite Trump handing him multiple vaccines and tests already in place and he failed by his very clear and publicly stated campaign promises. CNN and MSNBC is an extension of the DNC. This is about changing the narrative for Brandon who has again failed.

When Brandon said that the Fed government could not solve this and needed the help of the States, here is what this set-up:

1. Brandon can not go in to 2022 with over selling the fear on COVID because he failed on testing and the spread. So he now has to find an end game, and the end game is now blaming the states. He has to end COVID ASAP, he called this a pandemic of the unvaxed and now we know this is not true, they promised the vax would stop the spread and it is does not. Liberals formerly that swore by masks, now saying they do not work at all. The hypocrisy has to stop, not longer a winning issue for them. Education of our children and the economy is a mess as a result.

2. With mid-terms coming up, the Dims will blame the red states for the inability of the blue states to stop the spread of COVID. They will use this for all of their campaigns, state and Congress. Florida will be the poster child for them, despite actual COVID numbers in comparisons between the states.

3. Biden administration is going to spike the football after Omnicron burns up and declare victory over COVID. Despite the fact he failed in getting adequate testing available which was a campaign promise. He also promised no vax mandates, and he did it anyway under the false pretense that the vaccine would stop the spread. He messed up royally here, he bullied the public for no reason. Only but the most hardened Dim can see this, clearly.

This is why CNN and MSNBC is now saying things that they called people on Fox as "coocks" for. They are just now learning Hospitals have been not counting COVID hospitalizations correctly? Really? You called people stating for this months as science deniers. But they will also revise COVID hospitalization numbers to make Biden look like a COVID slayer.

They will try to turn the narrative in Biden's favor on COVID, and they will blame the red states for any perceived or actual fault in the spread of COVID.

You can see it from a mile away.
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“he called this a pandemic of the unvaxed and now we know this is not true”

The facts and statistics tell another story entirely…and you know it
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“he called this a pandemic of the unvaxed and now we know this is not true”

The facts and statistics tell another story entirely…and you know it
Nope. I have had 2 local Doctors in OKC tell me NO ONE is getting hospitalized for COVID currently unless they have multiple co-morbidities (as many as 4) OR a severely compromised immune system.

From your CDC Director:

Vaccine mandate skeptics have said the COVID-19 death toll was inflated by people who died with COVID-19 as opposed to dying of COVID-19, and some of them claimed they were made into pariahs or punished on social media for making these claims.

“The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities,” Walenksy said. She added that this was “encouraging news” considering the spread of the omicron variant, which health officials believe is more transmissible than other strains but causes less severe illness.

Walensky was referring to a study that used data from U.S. healthcare facilities to look at more than 12 million adults who completed "primary vaccination" between December 2020 to October 2021. Among the tiny percentage of those who died (36 people), 78% suffered from at least four comorbidities.
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“he called this a pandemic of the unvaxed and now we know this is not true”

The facts and statistics tell another story entirely…and you know it

Everyone I know that has COVID has been fully vaxed and boosted if they were eligible. I don't believe a word the MSM, Democrats or that little midget Fauci say. They have lost all credibility with the lies they have told over the last five years.
Everyone I know that has COVID has been fully vaxed and boosted if they were eligible. I don't believe a word the MSM, Democrats or that little midget Fauci say. They have lost all credibility with the lies they have told over the last five years.
Are medical professionals lying when they speak about their experiences? Such as on this very board???
Yeah, usually organ transplants are "elective." Good call. Hearty golf clap for you.
Oh. So, you don't like purposeful misinformation?

Me neither.

Should I stick with it and defend it even though I know it's a false statement? Seems to be the vibe I get from him.

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