Constitional conservatives...I have a question


Oct 29, 2008
Where do you stand?

A) Have to do anything to keep Hillary from White House and make sure we get conservative Supreme Court judges, so I'm voting Trump.
B) Trump has flip-flopped on many important issues and voting 3rd party is pointless so I won't vote in 2016.
C) I'm voting for the Libertarian Party candidate, Gary Johnson.
D) I'm still looking for a 3rd party candidate that shares my values.
C -- most likely.
Still really torn on what to do. I'm not sure how I feel about Johnson's amnesty position.

I'm hoping another 3rd party arises, honestly. You gotta think closed door meetings are happening. You need name recognition, but who do you get?
Depending on where you live, the time for a candidate to get on the ballot has already passed.
Still really torn on what to do. I'm not sure how I feel about Johnson's amnesty position.

I'm hoping another 3rd party arises, honestly. You gotta think closed door meetings are happening. You need name recognition, but who do you get?
I'm not sure what his exact position is, but I also don't think it matters. These illegals, for the most part, cannot be rounded up and deported. Too expensive and it will cost us too much in lost productivity.
E. By November, Trump and not a 3rd party will be a wasted vote. His polling #'s are already softening.

You say a lot of stupid shit. Like a lot. It's pretty much all you say unless you are one of your bigoted rants against Islam, but to source poll numbers in regards to Donald trump when we have lived through the last twelve months shows what a low iq you have.
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C...and I think you're reasoning for A is flawed. Trump has never been and never will be a conservative. I'll be surprised if the SC nominee we get from Trump is that much different than what we get from Hillary. The fact that he's somehow convinced people that he is shows why he's been successful in business.
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E) Depends on where I live. If Trump is a lock in my state I'm voting Johnson to maximize my vote and attempt to give a 3rd party national status (5% of popular vote in the general) so we have another option in 2020
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C...and I think you're reasoning for A is flawed. Trump has never been and never will be a conservative. I'll be surprised if the SC nominee we get from Trump is that much different than what we get from Hillary. The fact that he's somehow convinced people that he is shows why he's been successful in business.
Not my reasoning; It's what I hear most often from Trump supporters/surrogates on the news/radio so I put that. I just can't vote for someone that doesn't seem to have a 'pivot point' of these new views.

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E) Depends on where I live. If Trump is a lock in my state I'm voting Johnson to maximize my vote and attempt to give a 3rd party national status (5% of popular vote in the general) so we have another option in 2020

Has been my position for ages....and since I live in Oklahoma, I vote 3rd party whenever I can.
Not my reasoning; It's what I hear most often from Trump supporters/surrogates on the news/radio so I put that. I just can't vote for someone that doesn't seem to have a 'pivot point' of these new views.


No I get it I worded that poorly know what you meant. As you said it's the reason being tossed around by a lot of folks and I don't buy it.
Not my reasoning; It's what I hear most often from Trump supporters/surrogates on the news/radio so I put that. I just can't vote for someone that doesn't seem to have a 'pivot point' of these new views.

That's gotta be fake
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You say a lot of stupid shit. Like a lot. It's pretty much all you say unless you are one of your bigoted rants against Islam, but to source poll numbers in regards to Donald trump when we have lived through the last twelve months shows what a low iq you have.
Cupcake is confused as to what a constitutional conservative is. Remember, she's the guy that thinks the Second Amendment paved the way for government control of guns, "well regulated militia" and what not. I wouldn't expect much in the way of intelligent dialogue from her.
I haven't decided who my vote will go to. Lots of time left for folks to screw up or finish strong.

If the idiots in control of the DNC hadn't handed the nomination to the Cankled Lying Butch Bitch being investigated by the FBI, I might have been swayed to feel the Bern and vote Democrat. No chance I vote Democrat now.
I haven't decided who my vote will go to. Lots of time left for folks to screw up or finish strong.

If the idiots in control of the DNC hadn't handed the nomination to the Cankled Lying Butch Bitch being investigated by the FBI, I might have been swayed to feel the Bern and vote Democrat. No chance I vote Democrat now.
Definitely lot of time left; a lot can change before November.
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E. By November, Trump and not a 3rd party will be a wasted vote. His polling #'s are already softening.
Do you think Hillary will kill Pakistani kids like your hero, war monger Obama, lazy lying liberal @syskatine? Oh wait maybe this was answered somewhere on this site already.
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This really pisses me off because this is the first year that C is an option in this state and I would've happily voted that way before this district court thing got my attention. Now, my answer is A, 100% because of the potential supreme court nominations.
Again Trump will win in OK regardless. Your vote will have no bearing on USSC nominees.

And I'd prefer Trump to HRC on justices, but I'm not persuaded he'll be reliable to nominate Constitutionalsts either.
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Johnny Vito I live in Pakistan and I dont know what pakistani kids you are talking about. I am for drone attacks against taliban and other terrorists. The talibans and their associated groups have killed more than 60,000 people inthis country in last ten years some kids may have died but I think it is nothing compared to the good it has done.
Johnny Vito I live in Pakistan and I dont know what pakistani kids you are talking about. I am for drone attacks against taliban and other terrorists. The talibans and their associated groups have killed more than 60,000 people inthis country in last ten years some kids may have died but I think it is nothing compared to the good it has done.
You better hope one doesn't move in next door to you or you are toast.
Dont worry I live in a very secure area where no terrorist can afford to movein.But you never know these bastards can find a way to attack in Europe and US it can happen here.
Still have no idea what I'm gonna do... less than 90 days out now.

Yep Trump is a wildcard and who the hell knows what he will do if elected. This will be one of those very strange years in that had either party nominated a really qualified individual, this race would already be over. Hillary is a proven grafter, liar and hypocrite enough for me to never vote for her.
You say a lot of stupid shit. Like a lot. It's pretty much all you say unless you are one of your bigoted rants against Islam, but to source poll numbers in regards to Donald trump when we have lived through the last twelve months shows what a low iq you have.
Yeah the polls were totally wrong about Trump.

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