Congrats America

Last year was the worst year I ever witnessed in sales. This year has started out the same. On the bright side I got a jury duty questionaire in the mail 3 days ago, might make some pocket change if selected.
Again, maybe you need to get into a different space or reconsider your GTM.
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@aix_xpert - laughing at the breathless stupidity of folks who are rooting for bad numbers (weekly or otherwise) - that's something we all should enjoy.
Last year was the worst year I ever witnessed in sales. This year has started out the same. On the bright side I got a jury duty questionaire in the mail 3 days ago, might make some pocket change if selected.

Can't get too far into any policy discussion before a republican turns the conversation to "my" and "me." It's like the rest of the country and white-hot economy don't count, just get what's mine.
Last year was the worst year I ever witnessed in sales. This year has started out the same. On the bright side I got a jury duty questionaire in the mail 3 days ago, might make some pocket change if selected.
Look inward
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Can't get too far into any policy discussion before a republican turns the conversation to "my" and "me." It's like the rest of the country and white-hot economy don't count, just get what's mine.

Its not just me, others I know are experiencing the same thing. Small businesses closing everywhere. You think its just happening to one person thats not a dim? Lmao
Well if you're bragging about a midterm swing, that's pathetic. Midterms usually swing away from the sitting potus.

The remaining part of your post... recession serving you well... yeah, if runaway unemployment and government spending and STILL a recession is serving us well, good deal. No wonder you're so pissed, it sounds like you've totally bought into the Trump propaganda. How the hell could anyone say that the recession served us well? wth does that even mean?
My point was that there was no "recession" when Trump was in office. In 2016 the oil & gas industry erased some of Obama's executive orders and 900,000 went back to work. Have you ever wondered how the wealthy gets wealthier when economic conditions are not ideal? Use your head Einstein.
My point was that there was no "recession" when Trump was in office. In 2016 the oil & gas industry erased some of Obama's executive orders and 900,000 went back to work. Have you ever wondered how the wealthy gets wealthier when economic conditions are not ideal? Use your head Einstein.
My point was that there was no "recession" when Trump was in office. In 2016 the oil & gas industry erased some of Obama's executive orders and 900,000 went back to work. Have you ever wondered how the wealthy gets wealthier when economic conditions are not ideal? Use your head Einstein.
"Use your head Einstein." He is incapable. His ability to reason is low. As thinking members know, I have the questions to prove it.

It is common to have a premium number of small business start ups, with so many small business closing.
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Odd isn’t it? Everybody rises on their own efforts and talents, but fall because Biden sucks.
Odd isn't it? Everybody rises on their own hard work, efforts and talents (did you believe Obama when he said you didn't build that?) but fall because of the highest inflation in 30 plus yrs that you had no control over. Thats all Joe's shit show.

People have less money to spend because of it, most have barely enough to buy what they need, food, gas etc. Venture out of that all white gated community and go talk to some salt of the Earth People that are feeling it.
Odd isn't it? Everybody rises on their own hard work, efforts and talents (did you believe Obama when he said you didn't build that?) but fall because of the highest inflation in 30 plus yrs that you had no control over. Thats all Joe's shit show.

People have less money to spend because of it, most have barely enough to buy what they need, food, gas etc. Venture out of that all white gated community and go talk to some salt of the Earth People that are feeling it.
You're missing the point. I'm prepping a duplex for new tenants. This exploding economy has it where I can't get 1" mini blinds at Lowe's or Home Depot. I need 4 because of dog damage. Lowe's can't order till May or June. Home Depot doesn't know when they can order. S-W can't get 1 gallon egg shell trim paint. This is a first for me.

I'm about to shop Walmart to see what's missing and look for price rises.

Did Sys tell us to enjoy this booming economy? We sure don't want another republican and recession.
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I think the numbers came as a surprise to everyone. They surprised me, and I would wager they surprised our Democrat/Biden/Left Wing supporters like @07pilt, @davidallen and @Syskatine. I would ask them if they have any idea of which Biden economic policy is responsible for this good news.
Odd isn't it? Everybody rises on their own hard work, efforts and talents (did you believe Obama when he said you didn't build that?) but fall because of the highest inflation in 30 plus yrs that you had no control over. Thats all Joe's shit show.

People have less money to spend because of it, most have barely enough to buy what they need, food, gas etc. Venture out of that all white gated community and go talk to some salt of the Earth People that are feeling it.
I sincerely hope this is just your lizard brain lashing out and not what you actually believe.
I sincerely hope this is just your lizard brain lashing out and not what you actually believe.
You have no idea the battle going on in my lizard brain wanting to reply to this in an intensely personal and completely uncomplimentary way. But I won’t! I won’t!
I sincerely hope this is just your lizard brain lashing out and not what you actually believe.

It isn't Rocket Science.

"Consumers and investors don’t have many places to hide from inflation, meaning it can pose dire consequences for the economy. The dollars that consumers have in their wallets can’t buy as much as it used to, meaning many people might decide to pull back on spending — especially if they don’t get a pay raise to counter higher prices. That could stifle demand, threatening business profitability and hiring."
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Joe got that Chinese Virus fixed too?
People still getting sick and dying, store shelves remain empty.
How bad is it when you cannot even find a Box of Zesta Crackers?
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No, of course not. Lay out the Biden economic policy in its full glory and explain how it brought about this miraculous turn around into wealth for all!
Kind of simple really, to focus on getting us in a better spot with vaccinations, provide a bridge for the working folks to get past the worst of it, and then target specific initiatives to ameliorate problem areas. I think that summarizes the positive policy impacts. Anything else you need help with Danny?
It isn't Rocket Science.

"Consumers and investors don’t have many places to hide from inflation, meaning it can pose dire consequences for the economy. The dollars that consumers have in their wallets can’t buy as much as it used to, meaning many people might decide to pull back on spending — especially if they don’t get a pay raise to counter higher prices. That could stifle demand, threatening business profitability and hiring."
So you're saying you didn't benefit from stable monetary policy under Obama but you are harmed by Trump and Biden's pandemic-induced inflation? Gottcha. You can't possibly be that stupid. Wait, maybe you can.
You're missing the point. I'm prepping a duplex for new tenants. This exploding economy has it where I can't get 1" mini blinds at Lowe's or Home Depot. I need 4 because of dog damage. Lowe's can't order till May or June. Home Depot doesn't know when they can order. S-W can't get 1 gallon egg shell trim paint. This is a first for me.

I'm about to shop Walmart to see what's missing and look for price rises.

Did Sys tell us to enjoy this booming economy? We sure don't want another republican and recession.
My new Walmart produce bins are stripped clean. I left with no red potatoes nor bell peppers. I loaded up on Ray-o-vac batteries and for the first time in a while, they had Pepsi Zero in stock. I bought a 24 pack.

Tomorrow AM on the way to a job site, I'll check out my old Walmart.
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Kind of simple really, to focus on getting us in a better spot with vaccinations, provide a bridge for the working folks to get past the worst of it, and then target specific initiatives to ameliorate problem areas. I think that summarizes the positive policy impacts. Anything else you need help with Danny?
Pretty generic summary. I was hoping for specifics. But I get it, that’s not your style.
Pretty generic summary. I was hoping for specifics. But I get it, that’s not your style.
I'm not here to write a policy review for you Danny. I will point to a couple of specifics so you can do that thing you do....
  1. Biden worked to achieve bipartisan passage of the COVID-19 Stimulus Package in January of last year which had the effect of:
    1. providing $1,400 direct payments to those making up $75k a year
    2. extending expanded unemployment benefits
    3. revamped the child tax credit increasing the amount and providing for monthly distributions to have more immediate positive economic impacts as well as addressing immediate needs for low-income families
    4. $130 billion of additional school funding
    5. $45 billion in small business assistance
    6. $14 billion for the rollout of a national vaccine program
    7. $350 billion of bridge funding for state, local, and tribal governments
  2. Biden shepherded the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act - finally progress on dealing with the countries crumbling infrastructure.
  3. Through executive orders, Biden expanded access SNAP benefits to include feeding students missing meals due to school closures
  4. The Biden Administration has implemented policy changes that extended access to unemployment benefits to those who chose not to work because of covid risks
  5. Biden has increased the federal contractor minimum wage to $15 per hour through an EO
  6. Biden is rolling back tariffs and destructive trade restrictions with recent progress on European steel
So you're saying you didn't benefit from stable monetary policy under Obama but you are harmed by Trump and Biden's pandemic-induced inflation? Gottcha. You can't possibly be that stupid. Wait, maybe you can.

Was not great under Obama, 2nd term was a lot worse, got a lot better under Trump and now a Shit Show under Biden. Don't even want to think how bad it would have been under Cank.
And I thought Pedo was gonna fix this China Virus thing, what happened?
Why are store shelves empty, soaring prices on everything means people have less money to spend on non essentials, too dumb to undrrstand that? I am not hurting even though I know you are hoping thats whats going on, it isn't.
I could shut it down tomorrow and wouldn't have to live any different than I am right now. I am in the process of buying 36 acres right now so sorry to disappoint you in that regard. I see whats happening to others and whats happening in this business and its bad for a lot of people that either depend on it as a main income or as a supplemental income.
Sorry you cannot understand, keep watching Maddow so she can tell you how wonderful everything is going under Pedo, gives good feelers I guess even though its a lie.
Was not great under Obama, 2nd term was a lot worse, got a lot better under Trump and now a Shit Show under Biden. Don't even want to think how bad it would have been under Cank.
And I thought Pedo was gonna fix this China Virus thing, what happened?
Why are store shelves empty, soaring prices on everything means people have less money to spend on non essentials, too dumb to undrrstand that? I am not hurting even though I know you are hoping thats whats going on, it isn't.
I could shut it down tomorrow and wouldn't have to live any different than I am right now. I am in the process of buying 36 acres right now so sorry to disappoint you in that regard. I see whats happening to others and whats happening in this business and its bad for a lot of people that either depend on it as a main income or as a supplemental income.
Sorry you cannot understand, keep watching Maddow so she can tell you how wonderful everything is going under Pedo, gives good feelers I guess even though its a lie.
So Trump helped you or no?
I'm not here to write a policy review for you Danny. I will point to a couple of specifics so you can do that thing you do....
  1. Biden worked to achieve bipartisan passage of the COVID-19 Stimulus Package in January of last year which had the effect of:
    1. providing $1,400 direct payments to those making up $75k a year
    2. extending expanded unemployment benefits
    3. revamped the child tax credit increasing the amount and providing for monthly distributions to have more immediate positive economic impacts as well as addressing immediate needs for low-income families
    4. $130 billion of additional school funding
    5. $45 billion in small business assistance
    6. $14 billion for the rollout of a national vaccine program
    7. $350 billion of bridge funding for state, local, and tribal governments
  2. Biden shepherded the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act - finally progress on dealing with the countries crumbling infrastructure.
  3. Through executive orders, Biden expanded access SNAP benefits to include feeding students missing meals due to school closures
  4. The Biden Administration has implemented policy changes that extended access to unemployment benefits to those who chose not to work because of covid risks
  5. Biden has increased the federal contractor minimum wage to $15 per hour through an EO
  6. Biden is rolling back tariffs and destructive trade restrictions with recent progress on European steel
Wow! Who knew government overspending on pet projects designed to increase the wealth of its most ardent supporters with freshly printed fiat money could have such a surging impact? Is it like every other socialist project in the history of mankind, it works until it doesn’t work, then it crashes and burns society to the ground? Or did they finally get it right this time, this is finally real socialism? On a side note I was unaware that Biden was “rolling back” tariffs. If that’s true (we’ve all learned to be very suspicious of claims by the government) I’ll applaud him for that.
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Odd isn't it? Everybody rises on their own hard work, efforts and talents (did you believe Obama when he said you didn't build that?) but fall because of the highest inflation in 30 plus yrs that you had no control over. Thats all Joe's shit show.

People have less money to spend because of it, most have barely enough to buy what they need, food, gas etc. Venture out of that all white gated community and go talk to some salt of the Earth People that are feeling it.
I hope you have a really big garage because you just owned David’s fat ass.

(Cmon, fatboy. Hit that “laugh” button)
Daughter efforts to staff her steak house is at it's worse ever. Mother's Day requires 18 servers. Last Mother's Day found 4 on duty.

Sometimes the saloon does not open at 11 AM as scheduled. No bartender.

Extra government unemployment benefits.
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