I think PSU probably continues the shorter practices in the postseason, both before Big10s and before Nationals. They want guys fresh. Compare that with what we did the last 2 seasons. This year we had two-a-days leading up to Big12s. And last year I saw an interview with Dakota Geer where he said they had a 40 minute live-go before NCAAs. Very different approaches.
But there has to be more to it than that. PSU performs better at Nationals than Big10s. Maybe they use conferences to scout for NCAAs. Develop match strategies. As an example, Vincenzo Joseph lost to IMar at Big 10s and then beat him when it counted. The following year he did it again, lost at conferences then won in the finals.
Also, I agree PSU gets more blue chippers than everyone else. And some have not delivered. Some didn't even make their starting lineup. Top 10 PFP guys, even some top 5 PFP guys. They are usually quickly replaced by another top recruit or a top transfer. But something has to account for the ones that do work out. PSU is 45-5 in the NCAA semis over the past 12 years. Over that same period, they are 37-0 in the NCAA semis when they are the higher seed. Really incredible.